部署在内存中的模拟处理(PIM)架构的DNN受到制造 - 时间可变性。我们开发了一种新的联合变化和量化感知DNN训练算法,用于高度量化的基于PIM的模型,该模型明显更有效。它在多台计算机视觉数据集/型号上表现出可变性的令人沮丧和训练后的量化模型。对于低位宽度和高变化,Resnet-18在最佳替代方案上的增益高达35.7%。我们证明,在可变性的芯片组件的逼真模式下,单独培训无法防止大型DNN精度损失(CIFAR-100 / Resnet-18上的高达54%)。我们介绍了一种自调整DNN架构,可在推理期间动态调整层面激活,并有效地降低精度损耗至低于10%。
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IOT应用中的总是关于Tinyml的感知任务需要非常高的能量效率。模拟计算内存(CIM)使用非易失性存储器(NVM)承诺高效率,并提供自包含的片上模型存储。然而,模拟CIM推出了新的实际考虑因素,包括电导漂移,读/写噪声,固定的模数转换器增益等。必须解决这些附加约束,以实现可以通过可接受的模拟CIM部署的模型精度损失。这项工作描述了$ \ textit {analognets} $:tinyml模型用于关键字点(kws)和视觉唤醒词(VWW)的流行始终是on。模型架构专门为模拟CIM设计,我们详细介绍了一种全面的培训方法,以在推理时间内保持面对模拟非理想的精度和低精度数据转换器。我们还描述了AON-CIM,可编程,最小面积的相变存储器(PCM)模拟CIM加速器,具有新颖的层串行方法,以消除与完全流水线设计相关的复杂互连的成本。我们在校准的模拟器以及真正的硬件中评估了对校准模拟器的矛盾,并发现精度下降限制为KWS / VWW的PCM漂移(8位)24小时后的0.8 $ \%$ / 1.2 $ \%$。在14nm AON-CIM加速器上运行的analognets使用8位激活,分别使用8位激活,并增加到57.39 / 25.69个顶部/ w,以4美元$ 4 $ 57.39 / 25.69。
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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With an ever-growing number of parameters defining increasingly complex networks, Deep Learning has led to several breakthroughs surpassing human performance. As a result, data movement for these millions of model parameters causes a growing imbalance known as the memory wall. Neuromorphic computing is an emerging paradigm that confronts this imbalance by performing computations directly in analog memories. On the software side, the sequential Backpropagation algorithm prevents efficient parallelization and thus fast convergence. A novel method, Direct Feedback Alignment, resolves inherent layer dependencies by directly passing the error from the output to each layer. At the intersection of hardware/software co-design, there is a demand for developing algorithms that are tolerable to hardware nonidealities. Therefore, this work explores the interrelationship of implementing bio-plausible learning in-situ on neuromorphic hardware, emphasizing energy, area, and latency constraints. Using the benchmarking framework DNN+NeuroSim, we investigate the impact of hardware nonidealities and quantization on algorithm performance, as well as how network topologies and algorithm-level design choices can scale latency, energy and area consumption of a chip. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to compare the impact of different learning algorithms on Compute-In-Memory-based hardware and vice versa. The best results achieved for accuracy remain Backpropagation-based, notably when facing hardware imperfections. Direct Feedback Alignment, on the other hand, allows for significant speedup due to parallelization, reducing training time by a factor approaching N for N-layered networks.
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Although considerable progress has been obtained in neural network quantization for efficient inference, existing methods are not scalable to heterogeneous devices as one dedicated model needs to be trained, transmitted, and stored for one specific hardware setting, incurring considerable costs in model training and maintenance. In this paper, we study a new vertical-layered representation of neural network weights for encapsulating all quantized models into a single one. With this representation, we can theoretically achieve any precision network for on-demand service while only needing to train and maintain one model. To this end, we propose a simple once quantization-aware training (QAT) scheme for obtaining high-performance vertical-layered models. Our design incorporates a cascade downsampling mechanism which allows us to obtain multiple quantized networks from one full precision source model by progressively mapping the higher precision weights to their adjacent lower precision counterparts. Then, with networks of different bit-widths from one source model, multi-objective optimization is employed to train the shared source model weights such that they can be updated simultaneously, considering the performance of all networks. By doing this, the shared weights will be optimized to balance the performance of different quantized models, thus making the weights transferable among different bit widths. Experiments show that the proposed vertical-layered representation and developed once QAT scheme are effective in embodying multiple quantized networks into a single one and allow one-time training, and it delivers comparable performance as that of quantized models tailored to any specific bit-width. Code will be available.
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深神经网络(DNN)的庞大计算和记忆成本通常排除了它们在资源约束设备中的使用。将参数和操作量化为较低的位精确,为神经网络推断提供了可观的记忆和能量节省,从而促进了在边缘计算平台上使用DNN。量化DNN的最新努力采用了一系列技术,包括渐进式量化,步进尺寸的适应性和梯度缩放。本文提出了一种针对边缘计算的混合精度卷积神经网络(CNN)的新量化方法。我们的方法在模型准确性和内存足迹上建立了一个新的Pareto前沿,展示了一系列量化模型,可提供低于4.3 MB的权重(WGTS。)和激活(ACTS。)。我们的主要贡献是:(i)用张量学的学习精度,(ii)WGTS的靶向梯度修饰,(i)硬件感知的异质可区分量化。和行为。为了减轻量化错误,以及(iii)多相学习时间表,以解决从更新到学习的量化器和模型参数引起的学习不稳定性。我们证明了我们的技术在Imagenet数据集上的有效性,包括高效网络lite0(例如,WGTS。的4.14MB和ACTS。以67.66%的精度)和MobilenEtV2(例如3.51MB WGTS。 % 准确性)。
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基于新兴的非易失性记忆(NVM)设备基于内存的计算(CIM)体系结构,由于其高能量效率,具有深度神经网络(DNN)加速的巨大潜力。但是,NVM设备遭受了各种非理想性,尤其是由于设备的随机行为而导致的制造缺陷和周期到周期变化引起的设备对设备变化。因此,实际上映射到NVM设备的DNN权重可能显着偏离预期值,从而导致大量性能降解。为了解决这个问题,大多数现有的作品都集中在设备变化下的平均性能最大化。这个目标对于通用场景非常有效。但是对于关键安全应用,还必须考虑最差的案例性能。不幸的是,文献中很少探索这一点。在这项工作中,我们制定了确定在设备变化影响下CIM DNN加速器最差的问题的问题。我们进一步提出了一种方法,可以有效地找到高维空间中设备变化的特定组合,从而导致最差的性能。我们发现,即使设备变化很小,DNN的准确性也会大幅度下降,在部署CIM加速器中在安全至关重要的应用中引起担忧。最后,我们表明,令人惊讶的是,在扩展时,没有一种用于提高CIM加速器中平均DNN性能的现有方法非常有效,以增强最差的性能,并且需要进一步的研究来解决此问题。
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在当今智能网络物理系统时代,由于它们在复杂的现实世界应用中的最新性能,深度神经网络(DNN)已无处不在。这些网络的高计算复杂性转化为增加的能源消耗,这是在资源受限系统中部署大型DNN的首要障碍。通过培训后量化实现的定点(FP)实现通常用于减少这些网络的能源消耗。但是,FP中的均匀量化间隔将数据结构的位宽度限制为大值,因为需要以足够的分辨率来表示大多数数字并避免较高的量化误差。在本文中,我们利用了关键见解,即(在大多数情况下)DNN的权重和激活主要集中在零接近零,只有少数几个具有较大的幅度。我们提出了Conlocnn,该框架是通过利用来实现节能低精度深度卷积神经网络推断的框架:(1)重量的不均匀量化,以简化复杂的乘法操作的简化; (2)激活值之间的相关性,可以在低成本的情况下以低成本进行部分补偿,而无需任何运行时开销。为了显着从不均匀的量化中受益,我们还提出了一种新颖的数据表示格式,编码低精度二进制签名数字,以压缩重量的位宽度,同时确保直接使用编码的权重来使用新颖的多重和处理 - 积累(MAC)单元设计。
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内存处理(PIM)是一种越来越多地研究的神经形态硬件,承诺能量和吞吐量改进以进行深度学习推断。 PIM利用大量平行,有效的模拟计算在内存内部,绕过传统数字硬件中数据移动的瓶颈。但是,需要额外的量化步骤(即PIM量化),通常由于硬件约束而导致的分辨率有限,才能将模拟计算结果转换为数字域。同时,由于不完善的类似物到数字界面,PIM量化中的非理想效应广泛存在,这进一步损害了推理的准确性。在本文中,我们提出了一种培训量化网络的方法,以合并PIM量化,这对所有PIM系统无处不在。具体而言,我们提出了PIM量化意识培训(PIM-QAT)算法,并通过分析训练动力学以促进训练收敛,从而在向后传播期间引入重新传播技术。我们还提出了两种技术,即批处理归一化(BN)校准和调整精度训练,以抑制实际PIM芯片中涉及的非理想线性和随机热噪声的不利影响。我们的方法在三个主流PIM分解方案上进行了验证,并在原型芯片上进行了物理上的验证。与直接在PIM系统上部署常规训练的量化模型相比,该模型没有考虑到此额外的量化步骤并因此失败,我们的方法提供了重大改进。它还可以在CIFAR10和CIFAR100数据集上使用各种网络深度来获得最受欢迎的网络拓扑结构,在CIFAR10和CIFAR100数据集上,在PIM系统上达到了可比的推理精度。
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Quantization has become a predominant approach for model compression, enabling deployment of large models trained on GPUs onto smaller form-factor devices for inference. Quantization-aware training (QAT) optimizes model parameters with respect to the end task while simulating quantization error, leading to better performance than post-training quantization. Approximation of gradients through the non-differentiable quantization operator is typically achieved using the straight-through estimator (STE) or additive noise. However, STE-based methods suffer from instability due to biased gradients, whereas existing noise-based methods cannot reduce the resulting variance. In this work, we incorporate exponentially decaying quantization-error-aware noise together with a learnable scale of task loss gradient to approximate the effect of a quantization operator. We show this method combines gradient scale and quantization noise in a better optimized way, providing finer-grained estimation of gradients at each weight and activation layer's quantizer bin size. Our controlled noise also contains an implicit curvature term that could encourage flatter minima, which we show is indeed the case in our experiments. Experiments training ResNet architectures on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet benchmarks show that our method obtains state-of-the-art top-1 classification accuracy for uniform (non mixed-precision) quantization, out-performing previous methods by 0.5-1.2% absolute.
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代表低精度的深度神经网络(DNN)是一种有希望的方法来实现有效的加速和记忆力。以前的方法在低精度中培训DNN的方法通常在重量更新期间在高精度中保持重量的重量副本。由于低精度数字系统与学习算法之间的复杂相互作用,直接具有低精度重量的培训导致精度下降。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一个共同设计的低精度训练框架,被称为LNS-MADAM,我们共同设计了对数号系统(LNS)和乘法权重算法(MADAM)。我们证明了LNS-MADAM在重量更新期间导致低量化误差,即使精度有限,也导致稳定的收敛。我们进一步提出了LNS-MADAM的硬件设计,可以解决实现LNS计算的有效数据路径的实际挑战。我们的实现有效地降低了LNS - 整数转换和部分总和累积所产生的能量开销。实验结果表明,LNS-MADAM为全精密对应物达到了可比的准确性,只有8位对流行的计算机视觉和自然语言任务。与全精密浮点实施相比,LNS-MADAM将能耗降低超过90。
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训练后量化(PTQ)由于其在部署量化的神经网络方面的便利性而引起了越来越多的关注。 Founding是量化误差的主要来源,仅针对模型权重进行了优化,而激活仍然使用圆形至最终操作。在这项工作中,我们首次证明了精心选择的激活圆形方案可以提高最终准确性。为了应对激活舍入方案动态性的挑战,我们通过简单的功能适应圆形边框,以在推理阶段生成圆形方案。边界函数涵盖了重量误差,激活错误和传播误差的影响,以消除元素误差的偏差,从而进一步受益于模型的准确性。我们还使边境意识到全局错误,以更好地拟合不同的到达激活。最后,我们建议使用Aquant框架来学习边界功能。广泛的实验表明,与最先进的作品相比,Aquant可以通过可忽略不计的开销来取得明显的改进,并将Resnet-18的精度提高到2位重量和激活后训练后量化下的精度最高60.3 \%。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Accordingly, techniques that enable efficient processing of DNNs to improve energy efficiency and throughput without sacrificing application accuracy or increasing hardware cost are critical to the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems.This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial and survey about the recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient processing of DNNs. Specifically, it will provide an overview of DNNs, discuss various hardware platforms and architectures that support DNNs, and highlight key trends in reducing the computation cost of DNNs either solely via hardware design changes or via joint hardware design and DNN algorithm changes. It will also summarize various development resources that enable researchers and practitioners to quickly get started in this field, and highlight important benchmarking metrics and design considerations that should be used for evaluating the rapidly growing number of DNN hardware designs, optionally including algorithmic co-designs, being proposed in academia and industry.The reader will take away the following concepts from this article: understand the key design considerations for DNNs; be able to evaluate different DNN hardware implementations with benchmarks and comparison metrics; understand the trade-offs between various hardware architectures and platforms; be able to evaluate the utility of various DNN design techniques for efficient processing; and understand recent implementation trends and opportunities.
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模型量化已成为加速深度学习推理的不可或缺的技术。虽然研究人员继续推动量化算法的前沿,但是现有量化工作通常是不可否认的和不可推销的。这是因为研究人员不选择一致的训练管道并忽略硬件部署的要求。在这项工作中,我们提出了模型量化基准(MQBench),首次尝试评估,分析和基准模型量化算法的再现性和部署性。我们为实际部署选择多个不同的平台,包括CPU,GPU,ASIC,DSP,并在统一培训管道下评估广泛的最新量化算法。 MQBENCK就像一个连接算法和硬件的桥梁。我们进行全面的分析,并找到相当大的直观或反向直观的见解。通过对齐训练设置,我们发现现有的算法在传统的学术轨道上具有大致相同的性能。虽然用于硬件可部署量化,但有一个巨大的精度差距,仍然不稳定。令人惊讶的是,没有现有的算法在MQBench中赢得每一项挑战,我们希望这项工作能够激发未来的研究方向。
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权重和激活的量化是减少深神经网络(DNN)训练的计算占地面积的主要方法之一。当前方法使得4位量化的前向阶段。但是,这仅构成了培训过程的三分之一。减少整个训练过程的计算占地面积需要定量神经梯度,即相对于中间神经层的输出的损耗梯度。在这项工作中,我们研究了在量化神经网络训练中具有无偏差值的重要性,以及如何维护它,以及如何。基于此,我们建议一个$ \ texit {logarithic unbiased量化} $(luq)方法,以将前向和向后阶段量化为4位,实现最先进的导致4位训练,没有开销。例如,在Imagenet的Reset50中,我们实现了1.18%的降级。我们进一步改善了这一点以降解仅在高精度微调的单一时期与差异减少方法结合后的单一时期 - 均增加与先前建议的方法相当的开销。最后,我们建议使用低精度格式的方法来避免在训练过程的三分之二期间乘法,从而减少乘法器使用的5倍。
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Although weight and activation quantization is an effective approach for Deep Neural Network (DNN) compression and has a lot of potentials to increase inference speed leveraging bit-operations, there is still a noticeable gap in terms of prediction accuracy between the quantized model and the full-precision model. To address this gap, we propose to jointly train a quantized, bit-operation-compatible DNN and its associated quantizers, as opposed to using fixed, handcrafted quantization schemes such as uniform or logarithmic quantization. Our method for learning the quantizers applies to both network weights and activations with arbitrary-bit precision, and our quantizers are easy to train. The comprehensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets show that our method works consistently well for various network structures such as AlexNet, VGG-Net, GoogLeNet, ResNet, and DenseNet, surpassing previous quantization methods in terms of accuracy by an appreciable margin. Code available at https://github.com/Microsoft/LQ-Nets
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When training early-stage deep neural networks (DNNs), generating intermediate features via convolution or linear layers occupied most of the execution time. Accordingly, extensive research has been done to reduce the computational burden of the convolution or linear layers. In recent mobile-friendly DNNs, however, the relative number of operations involved in processing these layers has significantly reduced. As a result, the proportion of the execution time of other layers, such as batch normalization layers, has increased. Thus, in this work, we conduct a detailed analysis of the batch normalization layer to efficiently reduce the runtime overhead in the batch normalization process. Backed up by the thorough analysis, we present an extremely efficient batch normalization, named LightNorm, and its associated hardware module. In more detail, we fuse three approximation techniques that are i) low bit-precision, ii) range batch normalization, and iii) block floating point. All these approximate techniques are carefully utilized not only to maintain the statistics of intermediate feature maps, but also to minimize the off-chip memory accesses. By using the proposed LightNorm hardware, we can achieve significant area and energy savings during the DNN training without hurting the training accuracy. This makes the proposed hardware a great candidate for the on-device training.
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