This paper focuses on designing efficient models with low parameters and FLOPs for dense predictions. Even though CNN-based lightweight methods have achieved stunning results after years of research, trading-off model accuracy and constrained resources still need further improvements. This work rethinks the essential unity of efficient Inverted Residual Block in MobileNetv2 and effective Transformer in ViT, inductively abstracting a general concept of Meta-Mobile Block, and we argue that the specific instantiation is very important to model performance though sharing the same framework. Motivated by this phenomenon, we deduce a simple yet efficient modern \textbf{I}nverted \textbf{R}esidual \textbf{M}obile \textbf{B}lock (iRMB) for mobile applications, which absorbs CNN-like efficiency to model short-distance dependency and Transformer-like dynamic modeling capability to learn long-distance interactions. Furthermore, we design a ResNet-like 4-phase \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{MO}del (EMO) based only on a series of iRMBs for dense applications. Massive experiments on ImageNet-1K, COCO2017, and ADE20K benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our EMO over state-of-the-art methods, \eg, our EMO-1M/2M/5M achieve 71.5, 75.1, and 78.4 Top-1 that surpass \textbf{SoTA} CNN-/Transformer-based models, while trading-off the model accuracy and efficiency well.
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本地图像功能匹配,旨在识别图像对的识别和相应的相似区域,是计算机视觉中的重要概念。大多数现有的图像匹配方法遵循一对一的分配原则,并采用共同最近的邻居来确保跨图像之间本地特征之间的独特对应关系。但是,来自不同条件的图像可能会容纳大规模变化或观点多样性,以便一对一的分配可能在密集匹配中导致模棱两可或丢失的表示形式。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新颖的无探测器本地特征匹配方法Adamatcher,该方法首先通过轻巧的特征交互模块与密集的特征相关联,并估算了配对图像的可见面积,然后执行贴片级多到 - 一个分配可以预测匹配建议,并最终根据一对一的完善模块进行完善。广泛的实验表明,Adamatcher的表现优于固体基线,并在许多下游任务上实现最先进的结果。此外,多对一分配和一对一的完善模块可以用作其他匹配方法(例如Superglue)的改进网络,以进一步提高其性能。代码将在出版时提供。
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自我监督学习(SSL)是一种新兴技术,已成功地用于培训卷积神经网络(CNNS)和图形神经网络(GNNS),以进行更可转移,可转换,可推广和稳健的代表性学习。然而,很少探索其对自动驾驶的运动预测。在这项研究中,我们报告了将自学纳入运动预测的首次系统探索和评估。我们首先建议研究四项新型的自我监督学习任务,以通过理论原理以及对挑战性的大规模argoverse数据集进行运动预测以及定量和定性比较。其次,我们指出,基于辅助SSL的学习设置不仅胜过预测方法,这些方法在性能准确性方面使用变压器,复杂的融合机制和复杂的在线密集目标候选优化算法,而且具有较低的推理时间和建筑复杂性。最后,我们进行了几项实验,以了解为什么SSL改善运动预测。代码在\ url {}上开源。
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Few Shot Instance Segmentation (FSIS) requires models to detect and segment novel classes with limited several support examples. In this work, we explore a simple yet unified solution for FSIS as well as its incremental variants, and introduce a new framework named Reference Twice (RefT) to fully explore the relationship between support/query features based on a Transformer-like framework. Our key insights are two folds: Firstly, with the aid of support masks, we can generate dynamic class centers more appropriately to re-weight query features. Secondly, we find that support object queries have already encoded key factors after base training. In this way, the query features can be enhanced twice from two aspects, i.e., feature-level and instance-level. In particular, we firstly design a mask-based dynamic weighting module to enhance support features and then propose to link object queries for better calibration via cross-attention. After the above steps, the novel classes can be improved significantly over our strong baseline. Additionally, our new framework can be easily extended to incremental FSIS with minor modification. When benchmarking results on the COCO dataset for FSIS, gFSIS, and iFSIS settings, our method achieves a competitive performance compared to existing approaches across different shots, e.g., we boost nAP by noticeable +8.2/+9.4 over the current state-of-the-art FSIS method for 10/30-shot. We further demonstrate the superiority of our approach on Few Shot Object Detection. Code and model will be available.
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The task of Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to transfer the knowledge learned from base categories with sufficient labelled data to novel categories with scarce known information. It is currently an important research question and has great practical values in the real-world applications. Despite extensive previous efforts are made on few-shot learning tasks, we emphasize that most existing methods did not take into account the distributional shift caused by sample selection bias in the FSL scenario. Such a selection bias can induce spurious correlation between the semantic causal features, that are causally and semantically related to the class label, and the other non-causal features. Critically, the former ones should be invariant across changes in distributions, highly related to the classes of interest, and thus well generalizable to novel classes, while the latter ones are not stable to changes in the distribution. To resolve this problem, we propose a novel data augmentation strategy dubbed as PatchMix that can break this spurious dependency by replacing the patch-level information and supervision of the query images with random gallery images from different classes from the query ones. We theoretically show that such an augmentation mechanism, different from existing ones, is able to identify the causal features. To further make these features to be discriminative enough for classification, we propose Correlation-guided Reconstruction (CGR) and Hardness-Aware module for instance discrimination and easier discrimination between similar classes. Moreover, such a framework can be adapted to the unsupervised FSL scenario.
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