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The evolution of wireless communications into 6G and beyond is expected to rely on new machine learning (ML)-based capabilities. These can enable proactive decisions and actions from wireless-network components to sustain quality-of-service (QoS) and user experience. Moreover, new use cases in the area of vehicular and industrial communications will emerge. Specifically in the area of vehicle communication, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) schemes will benefit strongly from such advances. With this in mind, we have conducted a detailed measurement campaign with the purpose of enabling a plethora of diverse ML-based studies. The resulting datasets offer GPS-located wireless measurements across diverse urban environments for both cellular (with two different operators) and sidelink radio access technologies, thus enabling a variety of different studies towards V2X. The datasets are labeled and sampled with a high time resolution. Furthermore, we make the data publicly available with all the necessary information to support the on-boarding of new researchers. We provide an initial analysis of the data showing some of the challenges that ML needs to overcome and the features that ML can leverage, as well as some hints at potential research studies.
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我们提出了三种新型的修剪技术,以提高推理意识到的可区分神经结构搜索(DNAS)的成本和结果。首先,我们介绍了DNA的随机双路构建块,它可以通过内存和计算复杂性在内部隐藏尺寸上进行搜索。其次,我们在搜索过程中提出了一种在超级网的随机层中修剪块的算法。第三,我们描述了一种在搜索过程中修剪不必要的随机层的新技术。由搜索产生的优化模型称为Prunet,并在Imagenet Top-1图像分类精度的推理潜伏期中为NVIDIA V100建立了新的最先进的Pareto边界。将Prunet作为骨架还优于COCO对象检测任务的GPUNET和EFIDENENET,相对于平均平均精度(MAP)。
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Adaptive partial linear beamforming meets the need of 5G and future 6G applications for high flexibility and adaptability. Choosing an appropriate tradeoff between conflicting goals opens the recently proposed multiuser (MU) detection method. Due to their high spatial resolution, nonlinear beamforming filters can significantly outperform linear approaches in stationary scenarios with massive connectivity. However, a dramatic decrease in performance can be expected in high mobility scenarios because they are very susceptible to changes in the wireless channel. The robustness of linear filters is required, considering these changes. One way to respond appropriately is to use online machine learning algorithms. The theory of algorithms based on the adaptive projected subgradient method (APSM) is rich, and they promise accurate tracking capabilities in dynamic wireless environments. However, one of the main challenges comes from the real-time implementation of these algorithms, which involve projections on time-varying closed convex sets. While the projection operations are relatively simple, their vast number poses a challenge in ultralow latency (ULL) applications where latency constraints must be satisfied in every radio frame. Taking non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems as an example, this paper explores the acceleration of APSM-based algorithms through massive parallelization. The result is a GPUaccelerated real-time implementation of an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)based transceiver that enables detection latency of less than one millisecond and therefore complies with the requirements of 5G and beyond. To meet the stringent physical layer latency requirements, careful co-design of hardware and software is essential, especially in virtualized wireless systems with hardware accelerators.
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特征选择是一个棘手的问题,因此实用算法通常折衷对计算时间解的精度。在本文中,我们提出了利用近似,或代理人的多层次的一种新型的多阶段特征选择框架。这种框架允许使用的包装在计算上更多有效的方式方法,显著增加的特征选择的解决方案的质量可以实现的,尤其是在大型数据集。我们设计和评估是一个替代辅助遗传算法(SAGA),它利用这个概念在勘探早期阶段,引导进化搜索。 SAGA只有切换到在最后开发阶段评估原有的功能。我们证明了上限SAGA替代辅助阶段的运行时间是雪上加霜等于包装GA,而且更好地扩展为实例数高位复杂性的归纳算法。我们证明,使用来自UCI ML储存部14个集,在实践中SAGA显著降低与基线相比包装遗传算法(GA)的计算时间,而汇聚成显著精度更高的解决方案。我们的实验表明,SAGA能以接近最优的解决方案不是一个包装GA快三倍到达,平均。我们还展示了旨在防止代理人误导向错误的最优进化搜索进化控制方法的重要性。
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培养的网站,等效地作为具有状态的矢量加法系统,是具有广泛应用程序的建立的并发模型。到达性问题,在我们询问是否从给定的初始配置中存在一系列达到给定最终配置的有效执行步骤,是该模型的中央算法问题。问题的复杂性仍然存在,直到最近,验证并发系统中最困难的开放问题之一。仅在2015年由LEROUX和SCHMITZ提供的第一个上限,然后由同一位作者提炼于2019年的非原始递归Ackermannian上限。在1976年,Lipton所示的指数空间下限仍然是唯一已知的40多年来,在2019年Czerwi {\'n}滑雪道,Lasota,Lazic,Leroux和Mazowiecki的突破性非基本下限。最后,今年由Czerwi {}滑雪和orlikowski宣布了一个匹配的Ackermannian下限,独立于Leroux,建立了问题的复杂性。我们的主要贡献是对前建筑的改进,使其概念上更简单,更直接。在我们的方式,改善了与固定维度(或等效的Petri网)的载体添加系统的下限:虽然Czerwi {\'n} Ski和Orlikowski证明$ f_k $ -hardness(硬度$ k $ th水平在grzegorczyk层次结构中)在维度$ 6k $ 6k $,我们的简化施工会收益超过$ 3k + 2 $的$ f_k $ -hardness。
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