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预计人工神经网络的领域将强烈受益于量子计算机的最新发展。特别是Quantum Machine Learning,一类利用用于创建可训练神经网络的Qubits的量子算法,将提供更多的力量来解决模式识别,聚类和机器学习等问题。前馈神经网络的构建块由连接到输出神经元的一层神经元组成,该输出神经元根据任意激活函数被激活。相应的学习算法以Rosenblatt Perceptron的名义。具有特定激活功能的量子感知是已知的,但仍然缺乏在量子计算机上实现任意激活功能的一般方法。在这里,我们用量子算法填充这个间隙,该算法能够将任何分析激活功能近似于其功率系列的任何给定顺序。与以前的提案不同,提供不可逆转的测量和简化的激活功能,我们展示了如何将任何分析功能近似于任何所需的准确性,而无需测量编码信息的状态。由于这种结构的一般性,任何前锋神经网络都可以根据Hornik定理获取通用近似性质。我们的结果重新纳入栅极型量子计算机体系结构中的人工神经网络科学。
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在这个接近中间尺度的量子时代,云上有两种类型的近期量子设备:基于离散变量模型和线性光学器件(Photonics)QPU的超导量子处理单元(QPU),基于连续变量(CV)) 模型。离散变量模型中的量子计算以有限的尺寸量子状态空间和无限尺寸空间中的CV模型执行。在实现量子算法时,CV模型提供了更多的量子门,这些量子门在离散变量模型中不可用。基于简历的光子量子计算机使用不同的测量方法和截止尺寸的概念来控制量子电路的输出向量长度的额外灵活性。
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In recent times, Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) have been widely adopted to different tasks in machine learning such as Combinatorial Optimization and Supervised Learning. With the growing interest, it is pertinent to study the boundaries of the classical simulation of VQCs to effectively benchmark the algorithms. Classically simulating VQCs can also provide the quantum algorithms with a better initialization reducing the amount of quantum resources needed to train the algorithm. This manuscript proposes an algorithm that compresses the quantum state within a circuit using a tensor ring representation which allows for the implementation of VQC based algorithms on a classical simulator at a fraction of the usual storage and computational complexity. Using the tensor ring approximation of the input quantum state, we propose a method that applies the parametrized unitary operations while retaining the low-rank structure of the tensor ring corresponding to the transformed quantum state, providing an exponential improvement of storage and computational time in the number of qubits and layers. This approximation is used to implement the tensor ring VQC for the task of supervised learning on Iris and MNIST datasets to demonstrate the comparable performance as that of the implementations from classical simulator using Matrix Product States.
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Quantum machine learning has become an area of growing interest but has certain theoretical and hardware-specific limitations. Notably, the problem of vanishing gradients, or barren plateaus, renders the training impossible for circuits with high qubit counts, imposing a limit on the number of qubits that data scientists can use for solving problems. Independently, angle-embedded supervised quantum neural networks were shown to produce truncated Fourier series with a degree directly dependent on two factors: the depth of the encoding, and the number of parallel qubits the encoding is applied to. The degree of the Fourier series limits the model expressivity. This work introduces two new architectures whose Fourier degrees grow exponentially: the sequential and parallel exponential quantum machine learning architectures. This is done by efficiently using the available Hilbert space when encoding, increasing the expressivity of the quantum encoding. Therefore, the exponential growth allows staying at the low-qubit limit to create highly expressive circuits avoiding barren plateaus. Practically, parallel exponential architecture was shown to outperform the existing linear architectures by reducing their final mean square error value by up to 44.7% in a one-dimensional test problem. Furthermore, the feasibility of this technique was also shown on a trapped ion quantum processing unit.
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量子贝叶斯AI(Q-B)是一个新兴领域,可杠杆计算中可用的计算收益。承诺是许多贝叶斯算法中的指数加速。我们的目标是将这些方法直接应用于统计和机器学习问题。我们提供了经典和量子概率之间的二元性,以计算后验量的利益。我们的框架从冯·诺伊曼(Von Neumann)的量子测量原理中的角度统一了MCMC,深度学习和量子学习计算。量子嵌入和神经门也是数据编码和特征选择的重要组成部分。在统计学习中,具有众所周知的内核方法具有自然性。我们说明了两种简单分类算法上量子算法的行为。最后,我们以未来研究的指示得出结论。
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Hybrid quantum-classical systems make it possible to utilize existing quantum computers to their fullest extent. Within this framework, parameterized quantum circuits can be regarded as machine learning models with remarkable expressive power. This Review presents the components of these models and discusses their application to a variety of data-driven tasks, such as supervised learning and generative modeling. With an increasing number of experimental demonstrations carried out on actual quantum hardware and with software being actively developed, this rapidly growing field is poised to have a broad spectrum of real-world applications.
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We propose a classical-quantum hybrid algorithm for machine learning on near-term quantum processors, which we call quantum circuit learning. A quantum circuit driven by our framework learns a given task by tuning parameters implemented on it. The iterative optimization of the parameters allows us to circumvent the high-depth circuit. Theoretical investigation shows that a quantum circuit can approximate nonlinear functions, which is further confirmed by numerical simulations. Hybridizing a low-depth quantum circuit and a classical computer for machine learning, the proposed framework paves the way toward applications of near-term quantum devices for quantum machine learning.
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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The basic idea of quantum computing is surprisingly similar to that of kernel methods in machine learning, namely to efficiently perform computations in an intractably large Hilbert space. In this paper we explore some theoretical foundations of this link and show how it opens up a new avenue for the design of quantum machine learning algorithms. We interpret the process of encoding inputs in a quantum state as a nonlinear feature map that maps data to quantum Hilbert space. A quantum computer can now analyse the input data in this feature space. Based on this link, we discuss two approaches for building a quantum model for classification. In the first approach, the quantum device estimates inner products of quantum states to compute a classically intractable kernel. This kernel can be fed into any classical kernel method such as a support vector machine. In the second approach, we can use a variational quantum circuit as a linear model that classifies data explicitly in Hilbert space. We illustrate these ideas with a feature map based on squeezing in a continuous-variable system, and visualise the working principle with 2-dimensional mini-benchmark datasets.
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现代量子机学习(QML)方法涉及在训练数据集上进行各种优化参数化量子电路,并随后对测试数据集(即,泛化)进行预测。在这项工作中,我们在培训数量为N $培训数据点后,我们在QML中对QML的普遍表现进行了全面的研究。我们表明,Quantum机器学习模型的泛化误差与$ T $培训门的尺寸在$ \ sqrt {t / n} $上缩放。当只有$ k \ ll t $ gates在优化过程中经历了大量变化时,我们证明了泛化误差改善了$ \ sqrt {k / n} $。我们的结果意味着将Unitaries编制到通常使用指数训练数据的量子计算行业的多项式栅极数量,这是一项通常使用指数尺寸训练数据的大量应用程序。我们还表明,使用量子卷积神经网络的相位过渡的量子状态的分类只需要一个非常小的训练数据集。其他潜在应用包括学习量子误差校正代码或量子动态模拟。我们的工作将新的希望注入QML领域,因为较少的培训数据保证了良好的概括。
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