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建立可以探索开放式环境的自主机器,发现可能的互动,自主构建技能的曲目是人工智能的一般目标。发展方法争辩说,这只能通过可以生成,选择和学习解决自己问题的自主和本质上动机的学习代理人来实现。近年来,我们已经看到了发育方法的融合,特别是发展机器人,具有深度加强学习(RL)方法,形成了发展机器学习的新领域。在这个新域中,我们在这里审查了一组方法,其中深入RL算法训练,以解决自主获取的开放式曲目的发展机器人问题。本质上动机的目标条件RL算法训练代理商学习代表,产生和追求自己的目标。自我生成目标需要学习紧凑的目标编码以及它们的相关目标 - 成就函数,这导致与传统的RL算法相比,这导致了新的挑战,该算法设计用于使用外部奖励信号解决预定义的目标集。本文提出了在深度RL和发育方法的交叉口中进行了这些方法的类型,调查了最近的方法并讨论了未来的途径。
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Designing agents, capable of learning autonomously a wide range of skills is critical in order to increase the scope of reinforcement learning. It will both increase the diversity of learned skills and reduce the burden of manually designing reward functions for each skill. Self-supervised agents, setting their own goals, and trying to maximize the diversity of those goals have shown great promise towards this end. However, a currently known limitation of agents trying to maximize the diversity of sampled goals is that they tend to get attracted to noise or more generally to parts of the environments that cannot be controlled (distractors). When agents have access to predefined goal features or expert knowledge, absolute Learning Progress (ALP) provides a way to distinguish between regions that can be controlled and those that cannot. However, those methods often fall short when the agents are only provided with raw sensory inputs such as images. In this work we extend those concepts to unsupervised image-based goal exploration. We propose a framework that allows agents to autonomously identify and ignore noisy distracting regions while searching for novelty in the learnable regions to both improve overall performance and avoid catastrophic forgetting. Our framework can be combined with any state-of-the-art novelty seeking goal exploration approaches. We construct a rich 3D image based environment with distractors. Experiments on this environment show that agents using our framework successfully identify interesting regions of the environment, resulting in drastically improved performances. The source code is available at https://sites.google.com/view/grimgep.
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建立能够参与与人类社会互动的自治代理是AI的主要挑战之一。在深度加强学习(DRL)领域内,这一目标激励了多种作品上体现语言使用。然而,目前的方法在非常简化和非多样化的社交场合中关注语言作为通信工具:语言的“自然”减少到高词汇大小和变异性的概念。在本文中,我们认为针对人类级别的AI需要更广泛的关键社交技能:1)语言在复杂和可变的社会环境中使用; 2)超越语言,在不断发展的社会世界内的多模式设置中的复杂体现通信。我们解释了认知科学的概念如何帮助AI向人类智力绘制路线图,重点关注其社会方面。作为第一步,我们建议将目前的研究扩大到更广泛的核心社交技能。为此,我们展示了使用其他(脚本)社会代理商的多个网格世界环境来评估DRL代理商社交技能的基准。然后,我们研究了最近的Sota DRL方法的限制,当时在Sowisai上进行测试并讨论熟练社会代理商的重要下一步。视频和代码可在https://sites.google.com/view/socialai找到。
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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The past few years have seen rapid progress in combining reinforcement learning (RL) with deep learning. Various breakthroughs ranging from games to robotics have spurred the interest in designing sophisticated RL algorithms and systems. However, the prevailing workflow in RL is to learn tabula rasa, which may incur computational inefficiency. This precludes continuous deployment of RL algorithms and potentially excludes researchers without large-scale computing resources. In many other areas of machine learning, the pretraining paradigm has shown to be effective in acquiring transferable knowledge, which can be utilized for a variety of downstream tasks. Recently, we saw a surge of interest in Pretraining for Deep RL with promising results. However, much of the research has been based on different experimental settings. Due to the nature of RL, pretraining in this field is faced with unique challenges and hence requires new design principles. In this survey, we seek to systematically review existing works in pretraining for deep reinforcement learning, provide a taxonomy of these methods, discuss each sub-field, and bring attention to open problems and future directions.
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Despite recent advances of AI research in many application-specific domains, we do not know how to build a human-level artificial intelligence (HLAI). We conjecture that learning from others' experience with the language is the essential characteristic that distinguishes human intelligence from the rest. Humans can update the action-value function with the verbal description as if they experience states, actions, and corresponding rewards sequences firsthand. In this paper, we present a classification of intelligence according to how individual agents learn and propose a definition and a test for HLAI. The main idea is that language acquisition without explicit rewards can be a sufficient test for HLAI.
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深度强化学习(RL)的进展是通过用于培训代理商的具有挑战性的基准的可用性来驱动。但是,社区广泛采用的基准未明确设计用于评估RL方法的特定功能。虽然存在用于评估RL的特定打开问题的环境(例如探索,转移学习,无监督环境设计,甚至语言辅助RL),但一旦研究超出证明,通常难以将这些更富有,更复杂的环境 - 概念结果。我们展示了一个强大的沙箱框架,用于易于设计新颖的RL环境。 Minihack是一个停止商店,用于RL实验,环境包括从小房间到复杂的,程序生成的世界。通过利用来自Nethack的全套实体和环境动态,MiniHack是最富有的基网上的视频游戏之一,允许设计快速方便的定制RL测试台。使用这种沙箱框架,可以轻松设计新颖的环境,可以使用人类可读的描述语言或简单的Python接口来设计。除了各种RL任务和基线外,Minihack还可以包装现有的RL基准,并提供无缝添加额外复杂性的方法。
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Go-Explore achieved breakthrough performance on challenging reinforcement learning (RL) tasks with sparse rewards. The key insight of Go-Explore was that successful exploration requires an agent to first return to an interesting state ('Go'), and only then explore into unknown terrain ('Explore'). We refer to such exploration after a goal is reached as 'post-exploration'. In this paper, we present a clear ablation study of post-exploration in a general intrinsically motivated goal exploration process (IMGEP) framework, that the Go-Explore paper did not show. We study the isolated potential of post-exploration, by turning it on and off within the same algorithm under both tabular and deep RL settings on both discrete navigation and continuous control tasks. Experiments on a range of MiniGrid and Mujoco environments show that post-exploration indeed helps IMGEP agents reach more diverse states and boosts their performance. In short, our work suggests that RL researchers should consider to use post-exploration in IMGEP when possible since it is effective, method-agnostic and easy to implement.
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Theory of Mind is an essential ability of humans to infer the mental states of others. Here we provide a coherent summary of the potential, current progress, and problems of deep learning approaches to Theory of Mind. We highlight that many current findings can be explained through shortcuts. These shortcuts arise because the tasks used to investigate Theory of Mind in deep learning systems have been too narrow. Thus, we encourage researchers to investigate Theory of Mind in complex open-ended environments. Furthermore, to inspire future deep learning systems we provide a concise overview of prior work done in humans. We further argue that when studying Theory of Mind with deep learning, the research's main focus and contribution ought to be opening up the network's representations. We recommend researchers use tools from the field of interpretability of AI to study the relationship between different network components and aspects of Theory of Mind.
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深度强化学习(DRL)和深度多机构的强化学习(MARL)在包括游戏AI,自动驾驶汽车,机器人技术等各种领域取得了巨大的成功。但是,众所周知,DRL和Deep MARL代理的样本效率低下,即使对于相对简单的问题设置,通常也需要数百万个相互作用,从而阻止了在实地场景中的广泛应用和部署。背后的一个瓶颈挑战是众所周知的探索问题,即如何有效地探索环境和收集信息丰富的经验,从而使政策学习受益于最佳研究。在稀疏的奖励,吵闹的干扰,长距离和非平稳的共同学习者的复杂环境中,这个问题变得更加具有挑战性。在本文中,我们对单格和多代理RL的现有勘探方法进行了全面的调查。我们通过确定有效探索的几个关键挑战开始调查。除了上述两个主要分支外,我们还包括其他具有不同思想和技术的著名探索方法。除了算法分析外,我们还对一组常用基准的DRL进行了全面和统一的经验比较。根据我们的算法和实证研究,我们终于总结了DRL和Deep Marl中探索的公开问题,并指出了一些未来的方向。
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