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随着变压器作为语言处理的标准及其在计算机视觉方面的进步,参数大小和培训数据的数量相应地增长。许多人开始相信,因此,变形金刚不适合少量数据。这种趋势引起了人们的关注,例如:某些科学领域中数据的可用性有限,并且排除了该领域研究资源有限的人。在本文中,我们旨在通过引入紧凑型变压器来提出一种小规模学习的方法。我们首次表明,具有正确的尺寸,卷积令牌化,变压器可以避免在小数据集上过度拟合和优于最先进的CNN。我们的模型在模型大小方面具有灵活性,并且在获得竞争成果的同时,参数可能仅为0.28亿。当在CIFAR-10上训练Cifar-10,只有370万参数训练时,我们的最佳模型可以达到98%的准确性,这是与以前的基于变形金刚的模型相比,数据效率的显着提高,比其他变压器小于10倍,并且是15%的大小。在实现类似性能的同时,重新NET50。 CCT还表现优于许多基于CNN的现代方法,甚至超过一些基于NAS的方法。此外,我们在Flowers-102上获得了新的SOTA,具有99.76%的TOP-1准确性,并改善了Imagenet上现有基线(82.71%精度,具有29%的VIT参数)以及NLP任务。我们针对变压器的简单而紧凑的设计使它们更可行,可以为那些计算资源和/或处理小型数据集的人学习,同时扩展了在数据高效变压器中的现有研究工作。我们的代码和预培训模型可在https://github.com/shi-labs/compact-transformers上公开获得。
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Masked image modeling (MIM) performs strongly in pre-training large vision Transformers (ViTs). However, small models that are critical for real-world applications cannot or only marginally benefit from this pre-training approach. In this paper, we explore distillation techniques to transfer the success of large MIM-based pre-trained models to smaller ones. We systematically study different options in the distillation framework, including distilling targets, losses, input, network regularization, sequential distillation, etc, revealing that: 1) Distilling token relations is more effective than CLS token- and feature-based distillation; 2) An intermediate layer of the teacher network as target perform better than that using the last layer when the depth of the student mismatches that of the teacher; 3) Weak regularization is preferred; etc. With these findings, we achieve significant fine-tuning accuracy improvements over the scratch MIM pre-training on ImageNet-1K classification, using all the ViT-Tiny, ViT-Small, and ViT-base models, with +4.2%/+2.4%/+1.4% gains, respectively. Our TinyMIM model of base size achieves 52.2 mIoU in AE20K semantic segmentation, which is +4.1 higher than the MAE baseline. Our TinyMIM model of tiny size achieves 79.6% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K image classification, which sets a new record for small vision models of the same size and computation budget. This strong performance suggests an alternative way for developing small vision Transformer models, that is, by exploring better training methods rather than introducing inductive biases into architectures as in most previous works. Code is available at https://github.com/OliverRensu/TinyMIM.
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Recently, neural networks purely based on attention were shown to address image understanding tasks such as image classification. These highperforming vision transformers are pre-trained with hundreds of millions of images using a large infrastructure, thereby limiting their adoption.In this work, we produce competitive convolution-free transformers by training on Imagenet only. We train them on a single computer in less than 3 days. Our reference vision transformer (86M parameters) achieves top-1 accuracy of 83.1% (single-crop) on ImageNet with no external data.More importantly, we introduce a teacher-student strategy specific to transformers. It relies on a distillation token ensuring that the student learns from the teacher through attention. We show the interest of this token-based distillation, especially when using a convnet as a teacher. This leads us to report results competitive with convnets for both Imagenet (where we obtain up to 85.2% accuracy) and when transferring to other tasks. We share our code and models.
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Recently, neural networks purely based on attention were shown to address image understanding tasks such as image classification. These highperforming vision transformers are pre-trained with hundreds of millions of images using a large infrastructure, thereby limiting their adoption.In this work, we produce competitive convolutionfree transformers trained on ImageNet only using a single computer in less than 3 days. Our reference vision transformer (86M parameters) achieves top-1 accuracy of 83.1% (single-crop) on ImageNet with no external data.We also introduce a teacher-student strategy specific to transformers. It relies on a distillation token ensuring that the student learns from the teacher through attention, typically from a convnet teacher. The learned transformers are competitive (85.2% top-1 acc.) with the state of the art on ImageNet, and similarly when transferred to other tasks. We will share our code and models.
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大型预训练的变压器是现代语义分割基准的顶部,但具有高计算成本和冗长的培训。为了提高这种约束,我们从综合知识蒸馏的角度来研究有效的语义分割,并考虑弥合多源知识提取和特定于变压器特定的斑块嵌入之间的差距。我们提出了基于变压器的知识蒸馏(TransKD)框架,该框架通过蒸馏出大型教师变压器的特征地图和补丁嵌入来学习紧凑的学生变形金刚,绕过长期的预训练过程并将FLOPS降低> 85.0%。具体而言,我们提出了两个基本和两个优化模块:(1)交叉选择性融合(CSF)可以通过通道注意和层次变压器内的特征图蒸馏之间的知识转移; (2)嵌入对齐(PEA)在斑块过程中执行尺寸转换,以促进贴片嵌入蒸馏; (3)全局本地上下文混合器(GL-MIXER)提取了代表性嵌入的全局和局部信息; (4)嵌入助手(EA)是一种嵌入方法,可以无缝地桥接老师和学生模型,并具有老师的渠道数量。关于CityScapes,ACDC和NYUV2数据集的实验表明,TransKD的表现优于最先进的蒸馏框架,并竞争了耗时的预训练方法。代码可在https://github.com/ruipingl/transkd上找到。
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We propose a new neural network design paradigm Reversible Column Network (RevCol). The main body of RevCol is composed of multiple copies of subnetworks, named columns respectively, between which multi-level reversible connections are employed. Such architectural scheme attributes RevCol very different behavior from conventional networks: during forward propagation, features in RevCol are learned to be gradually disentangled when passing through each column, whose total information is maintained rather than compressed or discarded as other network does. Our experiments suggest that CNN-style RevCol models can achieve very competitive performances on multiple computer vision tasks such as image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation, especially with large parameter budget and large dataset. For example, after ImageNet-22K pre-training, RevCol-XL obtains 88.2% ImageNet-1K accuracy. Given more pre-training data, our largest model RevCol-H reaches 90.0% on ImageNet-1K, 63.8% APbox on COCO detection minival set, 61.0% mIoU on ADE20k segmentation. To our knowledge, it is the best COCO detection and ADE20k segmentation result among pure (static) CNN models. Moreover, as a general macro architecture fashion, RevCol can also be introduced into transformers or other neural networks, which is demonstrated to improve the performances in both computer vision and NLP tasks. We release code and models at https://github.com/megvii-research/RevCol
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视觉变压器(VIT)是计算机视野领域的主导模型。尽管大量研究主要关注处理归纳偏见和复杂性,但仍然存在找到更好的变压器网络的问题。例如,传统的基于变压器的模型通常使用每个查询(Q),键(k)和嵌入多头自我关注之前的键(k)和值(v)的投影层。对语义$ Q,K $和$ V $嵌入不充分考虑可能导致性能下降。在本文中,我们提出了3种$ Q $,k $和$ v $嵌入的三种类型的结构。第一个结构利用两个具有Relu的层,这是$ q,k $和$ v $的非线性嵌入。第二个涉及共享一个非线性层,以在$ q,k $和$ v $之间分享知识。第三种结构与代码参数共享所有非线性层。代码是培训的,值确定要在$ q $,$ k $和$ v $之间执行的嵌入过程。因此,与几种最先进的方法相比,我们展示了实验中提出的方法的优越图像分类性能。该方法在ImageNet-1K数据集中实现了71.4 \%$ 71.4 \%$ 71.4 \%$ xcit-n12的原始变压器模型所需的少数参数(3.1m $)($ 69.9 \%$)。此外,该方法达到了93.3 \%$ 29m $ 5.290万$参数,平均为CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100,斯坦福汽车数据集和STL-10数据集比为92.2 \%的准确性更好通过原始XCIT-N12模型获得$。
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We present in this paper a new architecture, named Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT), that improves Vision Transformer (ViT) in performance and efficiency by introducing convolutions into ViT to yield the best of both designs. This is accomplished through two primary modifications: a hierarchy of Transformers containing a new convolutional token embedding, and a convolutional Transformer block leveraging a convolutional projection. These changes introduce desirable properties of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the ViT architecture (i.e. shift, scale, and distortion invariance) while maintaining the merits of Transformers (i.e. dynamic attention, global context, and better generalization). We validate CvT by conducting extensive experiments, showing that this approach achieves state-of-the-art performance over other Vision Transformers and ResNets on ImageNet-1k, with fewer parameters and lower FLOPs. In addition, performance gains are maintained when pretrained on larger datasets (e.g. ImageNet-22k) and fine-tuned to downstream tasks. Pretrained on ImageNet-22k, our CvT-W24 obtains a top-1 accuracy of 87.7% on the ImageNet-1k val set. Finally, our results show that the positional encoding, a crucial component in existing Vision Transformers, can be safely removed in our model, simplifying the design for higher resolution vision tasks. Code will be released at https: //github.com/leoxiaobin/CvT.
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While the Transformer architecture has become the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks, its applications to computer vision remain limited. In vision, attention is either applied in conjunction with convolutional networks, or used to replace certain components of convolutional networks while keeping their overall structure in place. We show that this reliance on CNNs is not necessary and a pure transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks. When pre-trained on large amounts of data and transferred to multiple mid-sized or small image recognition benchmarks (ImageNet, CIFAR-100, VTAB, etc.), Vision Transformer (ViT) attains excellent results compared to state-of-the-art convolutional networks while requiring substantially fewer computational resources to train. 1
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虽然视觉变压器(VT)体系结构在计算机视觉中越来越流行,但纯VT模型在微小的数据集上的性能较差。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了改善小型数据集VT性能的地方指南。我们首先分析,由于VTS中自我注意的机制的高灵活性和内在的全球性,因此很难用有限的数据来学习局部信息,这对于理解图像非常重要。为了促进本地信息,我们通过模仿已经训练有素的卷积神经网络(CNN)的特征来实现VT的当地指南,灵感来自CNN的内置本地到全球层次结构。在我们的双任务学习范式下,由低分辨率图像训练的轻型CNN提供的局部指导足以加速收敛并在很大程度上提高VT的性能。因此,我们的本地指导方法非常简单有效,可以作为小型数据集中VT的基本性能增强方法。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法在小型数据集中从头开始训练时可以显着改善VT,并且与不同种类的VT和数据集兼容。例如,我们提出的方法可以将各种VT在微型数据集上的性能提高(例如,DEIT 13.07%,T2T为8.98%,PVT为7.85%),并使更强大的基线PVTV2提高了1.86%至79.30%,显示出来小型数据集上的VT潜力。该代码可从https://github.com/lkhl/tiny-transformers获得。
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There still remains an extreme performance gap between Vision Transformers (ViTs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) when training from scratch on small datasets, which is concluded to the lack of inductive bias. In this paper, we further consider this problem and point out two weaknesses of ViTs in inductive biases, that is, the spatial relevance and diverse channel representation. First, on spatial aspect, objects are locally compact and relevant, thus fine-grained feature needs to be extracted from a token and its neighbors. While the lack of data hinders ViTs to attend the spatial relevance. Second, on channel aspect, representation exhibits diversity on different channels. But the scarce data can not enable ViTs to learn strong enough representation for accurate recognition. To this end, we propose Dynamic Hybrid Vision Transformer (DHVT) as the solution to enhance the two inductive biases. On spatial aspect, we adopt a hybrid structure, in which convolution is integrated into patch embedding and multi-layer perceptron module, forcing the model to capture the token features as well as their neighboring features. On channel aspect, we introduce a dynamic feature aggregation module in MLP and a brand new "head token" design in multi-head self-attention module to help re-calibrate channel representation and make different channel group representation interacts with each other. The fusion of weak channel representation forms a strong enough representation for classification. With this design, we successfully eliminate the performance gap between CNNs and ViTs, and our DHVT achieves a series of state-of-the-art performance with a lightweight model, 85.68% on CIFAR-100 with 22.8M parameters, 82.3% on ImageNet-1K with 24.0M parameters. Code is available at https://github.com/ArieSeirack/DHVT.
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Compared to the great progress of large-scale vision transformers (ViTs) in recent years, large-scale models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are still in an early state. This work presents a new large-scale CNN-based foundation model, termed InternImage, which can obtain the gain from increasing parameters and training data like ViTs. Different from the recent CNNs that focus on large dense kernels, InternImage takes deformable convolution as the core operator, so that our model not only has the large effective receptive field required for downstream tasks such as detection and segmentation, but also has the adaptive spatial aggregation conditioned by input and task information. As a result, the proposed InternImage reduces the strict inductive bias of traditional CNNs and makes it possible to learn stronger and more robust patterns with large-scale parameters from massive data like ViTs. The effectiveness of our model is proven on challenging benchmarks including ImageNet, COCO, and ADE20K. It is worth mentioning that InternImage-H achieved the new record 65.4 mAP on COCO test-dev. The code will be released at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternImage.
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我们在视觉变压器上呈现整洁但有效的递归操作,可以提高参数利用而不涉及额外参数。这是通过在变压器网络的深度分享权重来实现的。所提出的方法可以只使用NA \“IVE递归操作来获得大量增益(〜2%),不需要对设计网络原理的特殊或复杂的知识,并引入训练程序的最小计算开销。减少额外的计算通过递归操作,同时保持卓越的准确性,我们通过递归层的多个切片组自行引入近似方法,这可以通过最小的性能损失将成本消耗降低10〜30%。我们称我们的模型切片递归变压器(SRET) ,这与高效视觉变压器的广泛的其他设计兼容。我们最好的模型在含有较少参数的同时,在最先进的方法中对Imagenet建立了重大改进。建议的切片递归操作使我们能够建立一个变压器超过100甚至1000层,仍然仍然小尺寸(13〜15米),以避免困难当模型尺寸太大时,IES在优化中。灵活的可扩展性显示出缩放和构建极深和大维视觉变压器的巨大潜力。我们的代码和模型可在https://github.com/szq0214/sret中找到。
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变压器是一种基于关注的编码器解码器架构,彻底改变了自然语言处理领域。灵感来自这一重大成就,最近在将变形式架构调整到计算机视觉(CV)领域的一些开创性作品,这已经证明了他们对各种简历任务的有效性。依靠竞争力的建模能力,与现代卷积神经网络相比在本文中,我们已经为三百不同的视觉变压器进行了全面的审查,用于三个基本的CV任务(分类,检测和分割),提出了根据其动机,结构和使用情况组织这些方法的分类。 。由于培训设置和面向任务的差异,我们还在不同的配置上进行了评估了这些方法,以便于易于和直观的比较而不是各种基准。此外,我们已经揭示了一系列必不可少的,但可能使变压器能够从众多架构中脱颖而出,例如松弛的高级语义嵌入,以弥合视觉和顺序变压器之间的差距。最后,提出了三个未来的未来研究方向进行进一步投资。
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