Systemic Lupus红斑(SLU)是一种自身免疫性疾病,其中患者的免疫系统开始攻击身体的健康组织。狼疮肾炎(LN)是指由于这些攻击而导致肾脏组织的炎症导致肾功能衰竭。国际肾病学会/肾病学会(ISN / RPS)已释放了基于在SLE肾损伤期间观察到的各种模式的分类系统。传统方法需要对肾活检的细致病理学评估,并且是耗时的。最近,计算技术有助于通过使用虚拟显微镜或整个幻灯片成像(WSI)来缓解该问题。随着深度学习和现代计算机视觉技术的使用,我们提出了一种能够自动化的流水线,其能够使用提取的肾小球特征检测这些整个幻灯片图像中的各种幻灯片图案的过程和2)。
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Deep learning (DL) analysis of Chest X-ray (CXR) and Computed tomography (CT) images has garnered a lot of attention in recent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are well suited for the image analysis tasks when trained on humongous amounts of data. Applications developed for medical image analysis require high sensitivity and precision compared to any other fields. Most of the tools proposed for detection of COVID-19 claims to have high sensitivity and recalls but have failed to generalize and perform when tested on unseen datasets. This encouraged us to develop a CNN model, analyze and understand the performance of it by visualizing the predictions of the model using class activation maps generated using (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping) Grad-CAM technique. This study provides a detailed discussion of the success and failure of the proposed model at an image level. Performance of the model is compared with state-of-the-art DL models and shown to be comparable. The data and code used are available at
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In this paper, deep-learning-based approaches namely fine-tuning of pretrained convolutional neural networks (VGG16 and VGG19), and end-to-end training of a developed CNN model, have been used in order to classify X-Ray images into four different classes that include COVID-19, normal, opacity and pneumonia cases. A dataset containing more than 20,000 X-ray scans was retrieved from Kaggle and used in this experiment. A two-stage classification approach was implemented to be compared to the one-shot classification approach. Our hypothesis was that a two-stage model will be able to achieve better performance than a one-shot model. Our results show otherwise as VGG16 achieved 95% accuracy using one-shot approach over 5-fold of training. Future work will focus on a more robust implementation of the two-stage classification model Covid-TSC. The main improvement will be allowing data to flow from the output of stage-1 to the input of stage-2, where stage-1 and stage-2 models are VGG16 models fine-tuned on the Covid-19 dataset.
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The chest X-ray is one of the most commonly accessible radiological examinations for screening and diagnosis of many lung diseases. A tremendous number of X-ray imaging studies accompanied by radiological reports are accumulated and stored in many modern hospitals' Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). On the other side, it is still an open question how this type of hospital-size knowledge database containing invaluable imaging informatics (i.e., loosely labeled) can be used to facilitate the data-hungry deep learning paradigms in building truly large-scale high precision computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems.In this paper, we present a new chest X-ray database, namely "ChestX-ray8", which comprises 108,948 frontalview X-ray images of 32,717 unique patients with the textmined eight disease image labels (where each image can have multi-labels), from the associated radiological reports using natural language processing. Importantly, we demonstrate that these commonly occurring thoracic diseases can be detected and even spatially-located via a unified weaklysupervised multi-label image classification and disease localization framework, which is validated using our proposed dataset. Although the initial quantitative results are promising as reported, deep convolutional neural network based "reading chest X-rays" (i.e., recognizing and locating the common disease patterns trained with only image-level labels) remains a strenuous task for fully-automated high precision CAD systems.
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In this era of pandemic, the future of healthcare industry has never been more exciting. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI & ML) present opportunities to develop solutions that cater for very specific needs within the industry. Deep learning in healthcare had become incredibly powerful for supporting clinics and in transforming patient care in general. Deep learning is increasingly being applied for the detection of clinically important features in the images beyond what can be perceived by the naked human eye. Chest X-ray images are one of the most common clinical method for diagnosing a number of diseases such as pneumonia, lung cancer and many other abnormalities like lesions and fractures. Proper diagnosis of a disease from X-ray images is often challenging task for even expert radiologists and there is a growing need for computerized support systems due to the large amount of information encoded in X-Ray images. The goal of this paper is to develop a lightweight solution to detect 14 different chest conditions from an X ray image. Given an X-ray image as input, our classifier outputs a label vector indicating which of 14 disease classes does the image fall into. Along with the image features, we are also going to use non-image features available in the data such as X-ray view type, age, gender etc. The original study conducted Stanford ML Group is our base line. Original study focuses on predicting 5 diseases. Our aim is to improve upon previous work, expand prediction to 14 diseases and provide insight for future chest radiography research.
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糖尿病足溃疡分类系统使用伤口感染(伤口内的细菌)和缺血(限制血供给)作为重要的临床指标治疗和预测伤口愈合。研究使用自动化计算机化方法在糖尿病足伤中使用自动化计算机化方法的使用和缺血的使用是有限的,这是有限的,因为存在的公开可用数据集和严重数据不平衡存在。糖尿病脚溃疡挑战2021提供了一种具有更大量数据集的参与者,其总共包括15,683只糖尿病足溃疡贴剂,用于训练5,734,用于测试,额外的3,994个未标记的贴片,以促进半监督和弱的发展 - 监督深度学习技巧。本文提供了对糖尿病足溃疡攻击2021中使用的方法的评估,并总结了从每个网络获得的结果。最佳性能的网络是前3种型号的结果的集合,宏观平均F1分数为0.6307。
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由于缺乏自动注释系统,大多数发展城市的城市机构都是数字未标记的。因此,在此类城市中,位置和轨迹服务(例如Google Maps,Uber等)仍然不足。自然场景图像中的准确招牌检测是从此类城市街道检索无错误的信息的最重要任务。然而,开发准确的招牌本地化系统仍然是尚未解决的挑战,因为它的外观包括文本图像和令人困惑的背景。我们提出了一种新型的对象检测方法,该方法可以自动检测招牌,适合此类城市。我们通过合并两种专业预处理方法和一种运行时效高参数值选择算法来使用更快的基于R-CNN的定位。我们采用了一种增量方法,通过使用我们构造的SVSO(Street View Signboard对象)签名板数据集,通过详细评估和与基线进行比较,以达到最终提出的方法,这些方法包含六个发展中国家的自然场景图像。我们在SVSO数据集和Open Image数据集上展示了我们提出的方法的最新性能。我们提出的方法可以准确地检测招牌(即使图像包含多种形状和颜色的多种嘈杂背景的招牌)在SVSO独立测试集上达到0.90 MAP(平均平均精度)得分。我们的实施可在以下网址获得:
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Computer tomography (CT) have been routinely used for the diagnosis of lung diseases and recently, during the pandemic, for detecting the infectivity and severity of COVID-19 disease. One of the major concerns in using ma-chine learning (ML) approaches for automatic processing of CT scan images in clinical setting is that these methods are trained on limited and biased sub-sets of publicly available COVID-19 data. This has raised concerns regarding the generalizability of these models on external datasets, not seen by the model during training. To address some of these issues, in this work CT scan images from confirmed COVID-19 data obtained from one of the largest public repositories, COVIDx CT 2A were used for training and internal vali-dation of machine learning models. For the external validation we generated Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset, an open-source repository containing 3D CT volumes and 12096 chest CT images from 288 COVID-19 patients from In-dia. Comparative performance evaluation of four state-of-the-art machine learning models, viz., a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN), and three other CNN based deep learning (DL) models such as VGG-16, ResNet-50 and Inception-v3 in classifying CT images into three classes, viz., normal, non-covid pneumonia, and COVID-19 is carried out on these two datasets. Our analysis showed that the performance of all the models is comparable on the hold-out COVIDx CT 2A test set with 90% - 99% accuracies (96% for CNN), while on the external Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset a drop in the performance is observed for all the models (8% - 19%). The traditional ma-chine learning model, CNN performed the best on the external dataset (accu-racy 88%) in comparison to the deep learning models, indicating that a light-weight CNN is better generalizable on unseen data. The data and code are made available at
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通过研究视网膜生物结构的进展,可以识别眼病的存在和严重性是可行的。眼底检查是检查眼睛的生物结构和异常的诊断程序。诸如青光眼,糖尿病性视网膜病和白内障等眼科疾病是世界各地视觉障碍的主要原因。眼疾病智能识别(ODIR-5K)是研究人员用于多标签的多份多疾病分类的基准结构底面图像数据集。这项工作提出了一个歧视性内核卷积网络(DKCNET),该网络探讨了歧视区域的特征,而无需增加额外的计算成本。 DKCNET由注意力块组成,然后是挤压和激发(SE)块。注意块从主干网络中获取功能,并生成歧视性特征注意图。 SE块采用区分特征图并改善了通道相互依赖性。使用InceptionResnet骨干网络观察到DKCNET的更好性能,用于具有96.08 AUC,94.28 F1-SCORE和0.81 KAPPA得分的ODIR-5K底面图像的多标签分类。所提出的方法根据诊断关键字将通用目标标签拆分为眼对。基于这些标签,进行了过采样和不足采样以解决阶级失衡。为了检查拟议模型对培训数据的偏见,对ODIR数据集进行了训练的模型将在三个公开可用的基准数据集上进行测试。发现它在完全看不见的底面图像上也具有良好的性能。
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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disorder affecting the macula, a key area of the retina for visual acuity. Nowadays, it is the most frequent cause of blindness in developed countries. Although some promising treatments have been developed, their effectiveness is low in advanced stages. This emphasizes the importance of large-scale screening programs. Nevertheless, implementing such programs for AMD is usually unfeasible, since the population at risk is large and the diagnosis is challenging. All this motivates the development of automatic methods. In this sense, several works have achieved positive results for AMD diagnosis using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, none incorporates explainability mechanisms, which limits their use in clinical practice. In that regard, we propose an explainable deep learning approach for the diagnosis of AMD via the joint identification of its associated retinal lesions. In our proposal, a CNN is trained end-to-end for the joint task using image-level labels. The provided lesion information is of clinical interest, as it allows to assess the developmental stage of AMD. Additionally, the approach allows to explain the diagnosis from the identified lesions. This is possible thanks to the use of a CNN with a custom setting that links the lesions and the diagnosis. Furthermore, the proposed setting also allows to obtain coarse lesion segmentation maps in a weakly-supervised way, further improving the explainability. The training data for the approach can be obtained without much extra work by clinicians. The experiments conducted demonstrate that our approach can identify AMD and its associated lesions satisfactorily, while providing adequate coarse segmentation maps for most common lesions.
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人工智能(AI)技术具有重要潜力,可以实现有效,鲁棒和自动的图像表型,包括识别细微图案。基于AI的检测搜索图像空间基于模式和特征来找到兴趣区域。存在一种良性的肿瘤组织学,可以通过使用图像特征的基于AI的分类方法来识别。图像从图像中提取可用于的可覆盖方式,可以通过显式(手工/工程化)和深度辐射谱系框架来探索途径。辐射瘤分析有可能用作非侵入性技术,以准确表征肿瘤,以改善诊断和治疗监测。这项工作介绍基于AI的技术,专注于肿瘤宠物和PET / CT成像,用于不同的检测,分类和预测/预测任务。我们还讨论了所需的努力,使AI技术转换为常规临床工作流程,以及潜在的改进和互补技术,例如在电子健康记录和神经象征性AI技术上使用自然语言处理。
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计算机断层扫描(CT)图像对于诊断疾病已经非常重要。 CT扫描切片包含大量数据,可以使用正常的视觉检查使用必要的精度和速度来正确检查这些数据。需要计算机辅助的头骨骨折分类专家系统来协助医生。卷积神经网络(CNN)是图像分类最广泛的深度学习模型,因为在准确性和结果方面,它们通常超过其他模型。然后开发和测试CNN模型,并比较了几个卷积神经网络(CNN)结构。 RESNET50用于功能提取,并结合梯度提升的决策树机学习算法,可作为分类器分类的分类器,从脑CT扫描分为三个骨折类别,具有96%的最佳整体F1级评分,均为96%对于颅骨骨折的分类,得分为95%,平衡精度得分为94%,ROC AUC曲线为96%。
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