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训练深度强化学习(DRL)运动策略通常需要大量数据以融合到所需的行为。在这方面,模拟器提供了便宜而丰富的来源。对于成功的SIM到现实转移,通常采用详尽的设计方法,例如系统识别,动态随机化和域的适应性。作为替代方案,我们研究了一种简单的随机力注射策略(RFI),以在训练过程中扰动系统动力学。我们表明,随机力的应用使我们能够模拟动力学随机化。这使我们能够获得对系统动力学变化的强大运动策略。我们通过引入情节驱动偏移,进一步扩展了RFI,称为延长的随机力注射(ERFI)。我们证明,ERFI为系统质量提供的变化提供了额外的鲁棒性,平均提供了比RFI的性能提高61%。我们还表明,ERFI足以在两个不同的四足动物平台(Anymal C和Unitree A1)上成功进行SIM到真实传输,即使在户外环境中对不均匀的地形上的感知运动也是如此。
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Legged robots pose one of the greatest challenges in robotics. Dynamic and agile maneuvers of animals cannot be imitated by existing methods that are crafted by humans. A compelling alternative is reinforcement learning, which requires minimal craftsmanship and promotes the natural evolution of a control policy. However, so far, reinforcement learning research for legged robots is mainly limited to simulation, and only few and comparably simple examples have been deployed on real systems. The primary reason is that training with real robots, particularly with dynamically balancing systems, is complicated and expensive. In the present work, we report a new method for training a neural network policy in simulation and transferring it to a state-of-the-art legged system, thereby we leverage fast, automated, and cost-effective data generation schemes. The approach is applied to the ANYmal robot, a sophisticated medium-dog-sized quadrupedal system. Using policies trained in simulation, the quadrupedal machine achieves locomotion skills that go beyond what had been achieved with prior methods: ANYmal is capable of precisely and energy-efficiently following high-level body velocity commands, running faster than ever before, and recovering from falling even in complex configurations.
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空中操纵器(AM)表现出特别具有挑战性的非线性动力学;无人机和操纵器携带的是一个紧密耦合的动态系统,相互影响。描述这些动力学的数学模型构成了非线性控制和深度强化学习中许多解决方案的核心。传统上,动力学的配方涉及在拉格朗日框架中的欧拉角参数化或牛顿 - 欧拉框架中的四元素参数化。前者的缺点是诞生奇异性,而后者在算法上是复杂的。这项工作提出了一个混合解决方案,结合了两者的好处,即利用拉格朗日框架的四元化方法,将无奇异参数化与拉格朗日方法的算法简单性联系起来。我们通过提供有关运动学建模过程的详细见解以及一般空中操纵器动力学的表述。获得的动力学模型对实时物理引擎进行了实验验证。获得的动力学模型的实际应用显示在计算的扭矩反馈控制器(反馈线性化)的上下文中,我们通过日益复杂的模型分析其实时功能。
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Reinforcement Learning (RL) has seen many recent successes for quadruped robot control. The imitation of reference motions provides a simple and powerful prior for guiding solutions towards desired solutions without the need for meticulous reward design. While much work uses motion capture data or hand-crafted trajectories as the reference motion, relatively little work has explored the use of reference motions coming from model-based trajectory optimization. In this work, we investigate several design considerations that arise with such a framework, as demonstrated through four dynamic behaviours: trot, front hop, 180 backflip, and biped stepping. These are trained in simulation and transferred to a physical Solo 8 quadruped robot without further adaptation. In particular, we explore the space of feed-forward designs afforded by the trajectory optimizer to understand its impact on RL learning efficiency and sim-to-real transfer. These findings contribute to the long standing goal of producing robot controllers that combine the interpretability and precision of model-based optimization with the robustness that model-free RL-based controllers offer.
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Applications of force control and motion planning often rely on an inverse dynamics model to represent the high-dimensional dynamic behavior of robots during motion. The widespread occurrence of low-velocity, small-scale, locally isotropic motion (LIMO) typically complicates the identification of appropriate models due to the exaggeration of dynamic effects and sensory perturbation caused by complex friction and phenomena of hysteresis, e.g., pertaining to joint elasticity. We propose a hybrid model learning base architecture combining a rigid body dynamics model identified by parametric regression and time-series neural network architectures based on multilayer-perceptron, LSTM, and Transformer topologies. Further, we introduce novel joint-wise rotational history encoding, reinforcing temporal information to effectively model dynamic hysteresis. The models are evaluated on a KUKA iiwa 14 during algorithmically generated locally isotropic movements. Together with the rotational encoding, the proposed architectures outperform state-of-the-art baselines by a magnitude of 10$^3$ yielding an RMSE of 0.14 Nm. Leveraging the hybrid structure and time-series encoding capabilities, our approach allows for accurate torque estimation, indicating its applicability in critically force-sensitive applications during motion sequences exceeding the capacity of conventional inverse dynamics models while retaining trainability in face of scarce data and explainability due to the employed physics model prior.
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近二十年来,软机器人技术一直是机器人社区中的一个热门话题。但是,对于软机器人进行建模和分析的可用工具仍然有限。本文介绍了一个用户友好的MATLAB工具箱Soft Robot Simulator(Sorosim),该工具集合了Cosserat杆的几何变量应变(GVS)模型,以促进对软,刚性或混合机器人系统的静态和动力分析。我们简要概述了工具箱的设计和结构,并通过将其结果与文献中发布的结果进行比较。为了突出该工具箱有效建模,模拟,优化和控制各种机器人系统的潜力,我们演示了四个示例应用程序。所示的应用探索了单,分支,开放式和闭合链机器人系统的不同执行器和外部加载条件。我们认为,软机器人研究社区将从Sorosim工具箱中大大受益,用于多种应用。
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自适应控制可以解决控制系统中的模型不确定性。但是,它是专为跟踪控制而设计的。近期机器人控制的最新进步表明,力控制可以有效地实现敏捷和强大的运动。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于腿机器人的新型自适应力控制框架。我们以我们提出的方法介绍了一种新的架构,将自适应控制纳入二次编程(QP)力控制。由于我们的方法是基于力控制,它还保留了基线框架的优势,例如对不均匀地形,可控摩擦约束或软撞击的鲁棒性。我们的方法在模拟和硬件实验中成功验证。虽然基线QP控制在具有小负载的身体跟踪误差中显示出显着的降级,但我们所提出的基于自适应力的控制可以使12千克Unitree A1机器人能够在粗糙的地形上行走,同时承载最多6次kg(50%的机器人重量)。当站在四条腿时,我们所提出的自适应控制甚至可以允许机器人在机器人高度中携带多达11kg的负载(机器人重量的92%),并且在机器人高度中具有小于5cm的跟踪误差。
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This paper presents a state-of-the-art optimal controller for quadruped locomotion. The robot dynamics is represented using a single rigid body (SRB) model. A linear time-varying model predictive controller (LTV MPC) is proposed by using linearization schemes. Simulation results show that the LTV MPC can execute various gaits, such as trot and crawl, and is capable of tracking desired reference trajectories even under unknown external disturbances. The LTV MPC is implemented as a quadratic program using qpOASES through the CasADi interface at 50 Hz. The proposed MPC can reach up to 1 m/s top speed with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 executing a trot gait. The implementation is available at https:// github.com/AndrewZheng-1011/Quad_ConvexMPC
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Energy based control methods are at the core of modern robotic control algorithms. In this paper we present a general approach to virtual model/mechanism control, which is a powerful design tool to create energy based controllers. We present two novel virtual-mechanisms designed for robotic minimally invasive surgery, which control the position of a surgical instrument while passing through an incision. To these virtual mechanisms we apply the parameter tuning method of Larby and Forni 2022, which optimizes for local performance while ensuring global stability.
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外骨骼和矫形器是可穿戴移动系统,为用户提供机械益处。尽管在过去几十年中有重大改进,但该技术不会完全成熟,以便采用剧烈和非编程任务。为了适应这种功能不全,需要分析和改进该技术的不同方面。许多研究一直在努力解决外骨骼的某些方面,例如,机构设计,意向预测和控制方案。但是,大多数作品都专注于设计或应用的特定元素,而无需提供全面的审查框架。本研究旨在分析和调查为改进和广泛采用这项技术的贡献方面。为了解决此问题,在引入辅助设备和外骨骼后,将从物理人员 - 机器人接口(HRI)的角度来研究主要的设计标准。通过概述不同类别的已知辅助设备的几个例子,将进一步开发该研究。为了建立智能HRI策略并为用户提供直观的控制,将研究认知HRI。将审查这种策略的各种方法,并提出了意图预测的模型。该模型用于从单个电拍摄(EMG)通道输入的栅极相位。建模结果显示出低功耗辅助设备中单通道输入的潜在使用。此外,所提出的模型可以在具有复杂控制策略的设备中提供冗余。
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For the aerial manipulator that performs aerial work tasks, the actual operating environment it faces is very complex, and it is affected by internal and external multi-source disturbances. In this paper, to effectively improve the anti-disturbance control performance of the aerial manipulator, an adaptive neural network backstepping control method based on variable inertia parameter modeling is proposed. Firstly, for the intense internal coupling disturbance, we analyze and model it from the perspective of the generation mechanism of the coupling disturbance, and derive the dynamics model of the aerial manipulator system and the coupling disturbance model based on the variable inertia parameters. Through the proposed coupling disturbance model, we can compensate the strong coupling disturbance in a way of feedforward. Then, the adaptive neural network is proposed and applid to estimate and compensate the additional disturbances, and the closed-loop controller is designed based on the backstepping control method. Finally, we verify the correctness of the proposed coupling disturbance model through physical experiment under a large range motion of the manipulator. Two sets of comparative simulation results also prove the accurate estimation of the proposed adaptive neural network for additional disturbances and the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control method.
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