离群值检测是一项具有挑战性的活动。文献中提出了几种机器学习技术,以进行异常检测。在本文中,我们为双向gan(Bigan)提出了一种新的培训方法,以检测异常值。为了验证拟议的方法,我们采用拟议的培训方法来培训一个Bigan,以检测正在操纵其纳税申报表的纳税人。对于每个纳税人,我们从他/她提交的纳税申报表中得出六个相关参数和三个比率参数。我们在这九个派生的地面数据集上采用拟议的培训方法来训练Bigan。接下来,我们使用$ encoder $(使用$ encoder $编码此数据集)生成此数据集的潜在表示,并使用$ Generator $(使用$ Generator $解码)再生此数据集,通过提供此潜在表示为输入。对于每个纳税人,计算其基地数据和再生数据之间的余弦相似性。具有较低余弦相似性措施的纳税人是潜在的回程操纵者。我们应用了我们的方法来分析印度特兰加纳政府商业税务部提供的钢铁纳税人数据集。
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As social media grows faster, harassment becomes more prevalent which leads to considered fake detection a fascinating field among researchers. The graph nature of data with the large number of nodes caused different obstacles including a considerable amount of unrelated features in matrices as high dispersion and imbalance classes in the dataset. To deal with these issues Auto-encoders and a combination of semi-supervised learning and the GAN algorithm which is called SGAN were used. This paper is deploying a smaller number of labels and applying SGAN as a classifier. The result of this test showed that the accuracy had reached 91\% in detecting fake accounts using only 100 labeled samples.
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Anomaly detection is a classical problem in computer vision, namely the determination of the normal from the abnormal when datasets are highly biased towards one class (normal) due to the insufficient sample size of the other class (abnormal). While this can be addressed as a supervised learning problem, a significantly more challenging problem is that of detecting the unknown/unseen anomaly case that takes us instead into the space of a one-class, semi-supervised learning paradigm. We introduce such a novel anomaly detection model, by using a conditional generative adversarial network that jointly learns the generation of high-dimensional image space and the inference of latent space. Employing encoder-decoder-encoder sub-networks in the generator network enables the model to map the input image to a lower dimension vector, which is then used to reconstruct the generated output image. The use of the additional encoder network maps this generated image to its latent representation. Minimizing the distance between these images and the latent vectors during training aids in learning the data distribution for the normal samples. As a result, a larger distance metric from this learned data distribution at inference time is indicative of an outlier from that distribution -an anomaly. Experimentation over several benchmark datasets, from varying domains, shows the model efficacy and superiority over previous state-of-the-art approaches.
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As the number of heterogenous IP-connected devices and traffic volume increase, so does the potential for security breaches. The undetected exploitation of these breaches can bring severe cybersecurity and privacy risks. Anomaly-based \acp{IDS} play an essential role in network security. In this paper, we present a practical unsupervised anomaly-based deep learning detection system called ARCADE (Adversarially Regularized Convolutional Autoencoder for unsupervised network anomaly DEtection). With a convolutional \ac{AE}, ARCADE automatically builds a profile of the normal traffic using a subset of raw bytes of a few initial packets of network flows so that potential network anomalies and intrusions can be efficiently detected before they cause more damage to the network. ARCADE is trained exclusively on normal traffic. An adversarial training strategy is proposed to regularize and decrease the \ac{AE}'s capabilities to reconstruct network flows that are out-of-the-normal distribution, thereby improving its anomaly detection capabilities. The proposed approach is more effective than state-of-the-art deep learning approaches for network anomaly detection. Even when examining only two initial packets of a network flow, ARCADE can effectively detect malware infection and network attacks. ARCADE presents 20 times fewer parameters than baselines, achieving significantly faster detection speed and reaction time.
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识别异常是指检测不像训练数据分布的样本。许多生成模型已被用于寻找异常,以及其中,基于生成的对抗网络(GaN)的方法目前非常受欢迎。 GANS主要依靠这些模型的丰富上下文信息来识别实际培训分布。在这一类比之后,我们建议了基于GANS -A组合的新型无人监督模型和甘甘。此外,引入了一种新的评分功能,以靶向异常,其中鉴别器的内部表示和发电机的视觉表示的线性组合加上自动化器的编码表示,共同定义所提出的异常得分。该模型进一步评估了诸如SVHN,CIFAR10和MNIST之类的基准数据集以及白血病图像的公共医疗数据集。在所有实验中,我们的模型表现出现有的对应物,同时略微改善推理时间。
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In data-driven systems, data exploration is imperative for making real-time decisions. However, big data is stored in massive databases that are difficult to retrieve. Approximate Query Processing (AQP) is a technique for providing approximate answers to aggregate queries based on a summary of the data (synopsis) that closely replicates the behavior of the actual data, which can be useful where an approximate answer to the queries would be acceptable in a fraction of the real execution time. In this paper, we discuss the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for generating tabular data that can be employed in AQP for synopsis construction. We first discuss the challenges associated with constructing synopses in relational databases and then introduce solutions to those challenges. Following that, we organized statistical metrics to evaluate the quality of the generated synopses. We conclude that tabular data complexity makes it difficult for algorithms to understand relational database semantics during training, and improved versions of tabular GANs are capable of constructing synopses to revolutionize data-driven decision-making systems.
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Supervised classification methods have been widely utilized for the quality assurance of the advanced manufacturing process, such as additive manufacturing (AM) for anomaly (defects) detection. However, since abnormal states (with defects) occur much less frequently than normal ones (without defects) in the manufacturing process, the number of sensor data samples collected from a normal state outweighs that from an abnormal state. This issue causes imbalanced training data for classification models, thus deteriorating the performance of detecting abnormal states in the process. It is beneficial to generate effective artificial sample data for the abnormal states to make a more balanced training set. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes a novel data augmentation method based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) using additive manufacturing process image sensor data. The novelty of our approach is that a standard GAN and classifier are jointly optimized with techniques to stabilize the learning process of standard GAN. The diverse and high-quality generated samples provide balanced training data to the classifier. The iterative optimization between GAN and classifier provides the high-performance classifier. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by both open-source data and real-world case studies in polymer and metal AM processes.
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新奇检测是识别不属于目标类分布的样本的任务。在培训期间,缺乏新颖的课程,防止使用传统分类方法。深度自动化器已被广泛用作许多无监督的新奇检测方法的基础。特别地,上下文自动码器在新颖的检测任务中已经成功了,因为他们通过从随机屏蔽的图像重建原始图像来学习的更有效的陈述。然而,上下文AutoEncoders的显着缺点是随机屏蔽不能一致地涵盖输入图像的重要结构,导致次优表示 - 特别是对于新颖性检测任务。在本文中,为了优化输入掩蔽,我们设计了由两个竞争网络,掩模模块和重建器组成的框架。掩码模块是一个卷积的AutoEncoder,用于生成涵盖最重要的图像的最佳掩码。或者,重建器是卷积编码器解码器,其旨在从屏蔽图像重建未受带的图像。网络训练以侵略的方式训练,其中掩模模块生成应用于给予重构的图像的掩码。以这种方式,掩码模块寻求最大化重建错误的重建错误最小化。当应用于新颖性检测时,与上下文自动置换器相比,所提出的方法学习语义上更丰富的表示,并通过更新的屏蔽增强了在测试时间的新颖性检测。 MNIST和CIFAR-10图像数据集上的新奇检测实验证明了所提出的方法对尖端方法的优越性。在用于新颖性检测的UCSD视频数据集的进一步实验中,所提出的方法实现了最先进的结果。
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聚类是一项基本的机器学习任务,在文献中已广泛研究。经典聚类方法遵循以下假设:数据通过各种表示的学习技术表示为矢量化形式的特征。随着数据变得越来越复杂和复杂,浅(传统)聚类方法无法再处理高维数据类型。随着深度学习的巨大成功,尤其是深度无监督的学习,在过去的十年中,已经提出了许多具有深层建筑的代表性学习技术。最近,已经提出了深层聚类的概念,即共同优化表示的学习和聚类,因此引起了社区的日益关注。深度学习在聚类中的巨大成功,最基本的机器学习任务之一以及该方向的最新进展的巨大成功所激发。 - 艺术方法。我们总结了深度聚类的基本组成部分,并通过设计深度表示学习和聚类之间的交互方式对现有方法进行了分类。此外,该调查还提供了流行的基准数据集,评估指标和开源实现,以清楚地说明各种实验设置。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们讨论了深度聚类的实际应用,并提出了应有的挑战性主题,应将进一步的研究作为未来的方向。
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Obtaining models that capture imaging markers relevant for disease progression and treatment monitoring is challenging. Models are typically based on large amounts of data with annotated examples of known markers aiming at automating detection. High annotation effort and the limitation to a vocabulary of known markers limit the power of such approaches. Here, we perform unsupervised learning to identify anomalies in imaging data as candidates for markers. We propose AnoGAN, a deep convolutional generative adversarial network to learn a manifold of normal anatomical variability, accompanying a novel anomaly scoring scheme based on the mapping from image space to a latent space. Applied to new data, the model labels anomalies, and scores image patches indicating their fit into the learned distribution. Results on optical coherence tomography images of the retina demonstrate that the approach correctly identifies anomalous images, such as images containing retinal fluid or hyperreflective foci.
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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我们描述了作为黑暗机器倡议和LES Houches 2019年物理学研讨会进行的数据挑战的结果。挑战的目标是使用无监督机器学习算法检测LHC新物理学的信号。首先,我们提出了如何实现异常分数以在LHC搜索中定义独立于模型的信号区域。我们定义并描述了一个大型基准数据集,由> 10亿美元的Muton-Proton碰撞,其中包含> 10亿美元的模拟LHC事件组成。然后,我们在数据挑战的背景下审查了各种异常检测和密度估计算法,我们在一组现实分析环境中测量了它们的性能。我们绘制了一些有用的结论,可以帮助开发无监督的新物理搜索在LHC的第三次运行期间,并为我们的基准数据集提供用于HTTPS://www.phenomldata.org的未来研究。重现分析的代码在https://github.com/bostdiek/darkmachines-unsupervisedChallenge提供。
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We propose a novel reconstruction-based model for anomaly detection, called Y-GAN. The model consists of a Y-shaped auto-encoder and represents images in two separate latent spaces. The first captures meaningful image semantics, key for representing (normal) training data, whereas the second encodes low-level residual image characteristics. To ensure the dual representations encode mutually exclusive information, a disentanglement procedure is designed around a latent (proxy) classifier. Additionally, a novel consistency loss is proposed to prevent information leakage between the latent spaces. The model is trained in a one-class learning setting using normal training data only. Due to the separation of semantically-relevant and residual information, Y-GAN is able to derive informative data representations that allow for efficient anomaly detection across a diverse set of anomaly detection tasks. The model is evaluated in comprehensive experiments with several recent anomaly detection models using four popular datasets, i.e., MNIST, FMNIST and CIFAR10, and PlantVillage.
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