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超级分辨率是一个不良问题,其中基本真理的高分辨率图像仅代表合理解决方案的空间中的一种可能性。然而,主导范式是采用像素 - 明智的损失,例如L_1,其驱动预测模糊的平均值。当与对抗性损失相结合时,这导致了根本相互矛盾的目标,这降低了最终质量。我们通过重新审视L_1丢失来解决此问题,并表明它对应于单层条件流程。灵感来自这一关系,我们探讨了一般流动作为L_1目标的忠诚替代品。我们证明,在与对抗性损失结合时,更深流量的灵活性导致更好的视觉质量和一致性。我们对三个数据集和比例因子进行广泛的用户研究,其中我们的方法被证明了为光逼真的超分辨率优于最先进的方法。代码和培训的型号可在:git.io/adflow
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基于流量的生成超分辨率(SR)模型学会生产一组可行的SR解决方案,称为SR空间。 SR溶液的多样性随着潜在变量的温度($ \ tau $)的增加而增加,这引入了样品溶液之间纹理的随机变化,从而导致视觉伪像和低忠诚度。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单但有效的图像结合/融合方法,以获得消除随机伪像的单个SR图像,并改善忠诚度,而不会显着损害感知质量。我们通过从流量模型跨越的SR空间中的一系列可行的光真实解决方案中受益,从而实现这一目标。我们提出了不同的图像结合和融合策略,这些策略提供了多种途径,可以根据手头任务的保真度与感知质量要求,以可控的方式将SR Slace样本解决方案移至感知延伸平面中更为理想的目的地。实验结果表明,与流量模型和经过对抗训练的模型所产生的样本SR图像相比,我们的图像结合/融合策略在定量指标和视觉质量方面实现了更有希望的感知依赖权衡。
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缩短采集时间和减少动作伪影是磁共振成像中最重要的两个问题。作为一个有前途的解决方案,已经研究了基于深度学习的高质量MR图像恢复,以产生从缩短采集时间获取的较低分辨率图像的更高分辨率和自由运动伪影图像,而不降低额外的获取时间或修改脉冲序列。然而,仍有许多问题仍然存在,以防止深度学习方法在临床环境中变得实用。具体而言,大多数先前的作品专注于网络模型,但忽略了各种下采样策略对采集时间的影响。此外,长推理时间和高GPU消耗也是瓶颈,以便在诊所部署大部分产品。此外,先验研究采用回顾性运动伪像产生随机运动,导致运动伪影的无法控制的严重程度。更重要的是,医生不确定生成的MR图像是否值得信赖,使诊断困难。为了克服所有这些问题,我们雇用了一个统一的2D深度学习神经网络,用于3D MRI超级分辨率和运动伪影,展示这种框架可以在3D MRI恢复任务中实现更好的性能与最艺术方法的其他状态,并且仍然存在GPU消耗和推理时间明显低,从而更易于部署。我们还基于加速度分析了几种下式采样策略,包括在平面内和穿过平面下采样的多种组合,并开发了一种可控和可量化的运动伪影生成方法。最后,计算并用于估计生成图像的准确性的像素 - 明智的不确定性,提供可靠诊断的附加信息。
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High Resolution (HR) medical images provide rich anatomical structure details to facilitate early and accurate diagnosis. In MRI, restricted by hardware capacity, scan time, and patient cooperation ability, isotropic 3D HR image acquisition typically requests long scan time and, results in small spatial coverage and low SNR. Recent studies showed that, with deep convolutional neural networks, isotropic HR MR images could be recovered from low-resolution (LR) input via single image super-resolution (SISR) algorithms. However, most existing SISR methods tend to approach a scale-specific projection between LR and HR images, thus these methods can only deal with a fixed up-sampling rate. For achieving different up-sampling rates, multiple SR networks have to be built up respectively, which is very time-consuming and resource-intensive. In this paper, we propose ArSSR, an Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution approach for recovering 3D HR MR images. In the ArSSR model, the reconstruction of HR images with different up-scaling rates is defined as learning a continuous implicit voxel function from the observed LR images. Then the SR task is converted to represent the implicit voxel function via deep neural networks from a set of paired HR-LR training examples. The ArSSR model consists of an encoder network and a decoder network. Specifically, the convolutional encoder network is to extract feature maps from the LR input images and the fully-connected decoder network is to approximate the implicit voxel function. Due to the continuity of the learned function, a single ArSSR model can achieve arbitrary up-sampling rate reconstruction of HR images from any input LR image after training. Experimental results on three datasets show that the ArSSR model can achieve state-of-the-art SR performance for 3D HR MR image reconstruction while using a single trained model to achieve arbitrary up-sampling scales.
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Single-image super-resolution (SISR) networks trained with perceptual and adversarial losses provide high-contrast outputs compared to those of networks trained with distortion-oriented losses, such as L1 or L2. However, it has been shown that using a single perceptual loss is insufficient for accurately restoring locally varying diverse shapes in images, often generating undesirable artifacts or unnatural details. For this reason, combinations of various losses, such as perceptual, adversarial, and distortion losses, have been attempted, yet it remains challenging to find optimal combinations. Hence, in this paper, we propose a new SISR framework that applies optimal objectives for each region to generate plausible results in overall areas of high-resolution outputs. Specifically, the framework comprises two models: a predictive model that infers an optimal objective map for a given low-resolution (LR) input and a generative model that applies a target objective map to produce the corresponding SR output. The generative model is trained over our proposed objective trajectory representing a set of essential objectives, which enables the single network to learn various SR results corresponding to combined losses on the trajectory. The predictive model is trained using pairs of LR images and corresponding optimal objective maps searched from the objective trajectory. Experimental results on five benchmarks show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art perception-driven SR methods in LPIPS, DISTS, PSNR, and SSIM metrics. The visual results also demonstrate the superiority of our method in perception-oriented reconstruction. The code and models are available at https://github.com/seungho-snu/SROOE.
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Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is an efficient quantitative MRI technique that can extract important tissue and system parameters such as T1, T2, B0, and B1 from a single scan. This property also makes it attractive for retrospectively synthesizing contrast-weighted images. In general, contrast-weighted images like T1-weighted, T2-weighted, etc., can be synthesized directly from parameter maps through spin-dynamics simulation (i.e., Bloch or Extended Phase Graph models). However, these approaches often exhibit artifacts due to imperfections in the mapping, the sequence modeling, and the data acquisition. Here we propose a supervised learning-based method that directly synthesizes contrast-weighted images from the MRF data without going through the quantitative mapping and spin-dynamics simulation. To implement our direct contrast synthesis (DCS) method, we deploy a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework and propose a multi-branch U-Net as the generator. The input MRF data are used to directly synthesize T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images through supervised training on paired MRF and target spin echo-based contrast-weighted scans. In-vivo experiments demonstrate excellent image quality compared to simulation-based contrast synthesis and previous DCS methods, both visually as well as by quantitative metrics. We also demonstrate cases where our trained model is able to mitigate in-flow and spiral off-resonance artifacts that are typically seen in MRF reconstructions and thus more faithfully represent conventional spin echo-based contrast-weighted images.
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Low-field (LF) MRI scanners have the power to revolutionize medical imaging by providing a portable and cheaper alternative to high-field MRI scanners. However, such scanners are usually significantly noisier and lower quality than their high-field counterparts. The aim of this paper is to improve the SNR and overall image quality of low-field MRI scans to improve diagnostic capability. To address this issue, we propose a Nested U-Net neural network architecture super-resolution algorithm that outperforms previously suggested deep learning methods with an average PSNR of 78.83 and SSIM of 0.9551. We tested our network on artificial noisy downsampled synthetic data from a major T1 weighted MRI image dataset called the T1-mix dataset. One board-certified radiologist scored 25 images on the Likert scale (1-5) assessing overall image quality, anatomical structure, and diagnostic confidence across our architecture and other published works (SR DenseNet, Generator Block, SRCNN, etc.). We also introduce a new type of loss function called natural log mean squared error (NLMSE). In conclusion, we present a more accurate deep learning method for single image super-resolution applied to synthetic low-field MRI via a Nested U-Net architecture.
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具有高分辨率(HR)的磁共振成像(MRI)提供了更详细的信息,以进行准确的诊断和定量图像分析。尽管取得了重大进展,但大多数现有的医学图像重建网络都有两个缺陷:1)所有这些缺陷都是在黑盒原理中设计的,因此缺乏足够的解释性并进一步限制其实际应用。可解释的神经网络模型引起了重大兴趣,因为它们在处理医学图像时增强了临床实践所需的可信赖性。 2)大多数现有的SR重建方法仅使用单个对比度或使用简单的多对比度融合机制,从而忽略了对SR改进至关重要的不同对比度之间的复杂关系。为了解决这些问题,在本文中,提出了一种新颖的模型引导的可解释的深层展开网络(MGDUN),用于医学图像SR重建。模型引导的图像SR重建方法求解手动设计的目标函数以重建HR MRI。我们通过将MRI观察矩阵和显式多对比度关系矩阵考虑到末端到端优化期间,将迭代的MGDUN算法展示为新型模型引导的深层展开网络。多对比度IXI数据集和Brats 2019数据集进行了广泛的实验,证明了我们提出的模型的优势。
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超声波术提供廉价,广泛可接近和紧凑的医疗成像解决方案。然而,与其他成像方式相比,例如CT和MRI,超声图像臭名昭着地遭受强大的散斑噪声,其源自子波长散射的随机干扰。这恶化了超声图像质量并使解释具有挑战性。我们在此提出了一种基于从高质量MRI图像中学到的深生成前的最大-A-Bouthiori估计的新的无监督超声斑点和图像去噪方法。为了模拟生成组织反射率,我们利用标准化流量,近年来已经表现出在各种应用中建模信号前沿的强大。为了促进拓展,我们将先前和培训我们的流量模型从NYU FastMri(完全采样)数据集的补丁上。然后将该之前用于迭代去噪方案的推理。我们首先验证我们在嘈杂的MRI数据(无前域移位)上的学习前沿的实用程序,然后转向从PICMU和CUBDL数据集的模拟和体内超声图像上的评估性能。结果表明,该方法优于定量和定性的其他(无监督)超声的去噪方法(NLM和OBNLM)。
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Because of the necessity to obtain high-quality images with minimal radiation doses, such as in low-field magnetic resonance imaging, super-resolution reconstruction in medical imaging has become more popular (MRI). However, due to the complexity and high aesthetic requirements of medical imaging, image super-resolution reconstruction remains a difficult challenge. In this paper, we offer a deep learning-based strategy for reconstructing medical images from low resolutions utilizing Transformer and Generative Adversarial Networks (T-GAN). The integrated system can extract more precise texture information and focus more on important locations through global image matching after successfully inserting Transformer into the generative adversarial network for picture reconstruction. Furthermore, we weighted the combination of content loss, adversarial loss, and adversarial feature loss as the final multi-task loss function during the training of our proposed model T-GAN. In comparison to established measures like PSNR and SSIM, our suggested T-GAN achieves optimal performance and recovers more texture features in super-resolution reconstruction of MRI scanned images of the knees and belly.
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\ textit {objection:}基于gadolinium的对比剂(GBCA)已被广泛用于更好地可视化脑磁共振成像中的疾病(MRI)。然而,大脑和身体内部的gadolin量引起了人们对使用GBCA的安全问题。因此,在提供类似的对比度信息的同时,可以减少甚至消除GBCA暴露的新方法的发展将在临床上具有重大用途。 \ textit {方法:}在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于深度学习的方法,用于对脑肿瘤患者的对比增强T1合成。 3D高分辨率完全卷积网络(FCN)通过处理和聚合并行的多尺度信息保持高分辨率信息,旨在将前对比度MRI序列映射到对比度增强的MRI序列。具体而言,将三个前对比的MRI序列T1,T2和表观扩散系数图(ADC)用作输入,而对比后T1序列则被用作目标输出。为了减轻正常组织与肿瘤区域之间的数据不平衡问题,我们引入了局部损失,以改善肿瘤区域的贡献,从而可以更好地增强对肿瘤的增强结果。 \ textIt {结果:}进行了广泛的定量和视觉评估,我们提出的模型在大脑中达到28.24db的PSNR,在肿瘤区域达到21.2db。 \ textit {结论和意义:}我们的结果表明,用深度学习产生的合成对比图像代替GBCA的潜力。代码可在\ url {https://github.com/chenchao666/contrast-enhanced-mri-synthesis中获得
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机器学习模型通常培训端到端和监督设置,使用配对(输入,输出)数据。示例包括最近的超分辨率方法,用于在(低分辨率,高分辨率)图像上培训。然而,这些端到端的方法每当输入中存在分布偏移时需要重新训练(例如,夜间图像VS日光)或相关的潜在变量(例如,相机模糊或手动运动)。在这项工作中,我们利用最先进的(SOTA)生成模型(这里是Stylegan2)来构建强大的图像前提,这使得贝叶斯定理应用于许多下游重建任务。我们的方法是通过生成模型(BRGM)的贝叶斯重建,使用单个预先训练的发生器模型来解决不同的图像恢复任务,即超级分辨率和绘画,通过与不同的前向腐败模型相结合。我们将发电机模型的重量保持固定,并通过估计产生重建图像的输入潜在的跳过载体来重建图像来估计图像。我们进一步使用变分推理来近似潜伏向量的后部分布,我们对多种解决方案进行采样。我们在三个大型和多样化的数据集中展示了BRGM:(i)来自Flick的60,000个图像面向高质量的数据集(II)来自MIMIC III的高质量数据集(II)240,000胸X射线,(III)的组合收集5脑MRI数据集,具有7,329个扫描。在所有三个数据集和没有任何DataSet特定的HyperParameter调整,我们的简单方法会在超级分辨率和绘画上对当前的特定任务最先进的方法产生性能竞争力,同时更加稳定,而不需要任何培训。我们的源代码和预先训练的型号可在线获取:https://razvanmarinescu.github.io/brgm/。
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Conditional normalizing flows can generate diverse image samples for solving inverse problems. Most normalizing flows for inverse problems in imaging employ the conditional affine coupling layer that can generate diverse images quickly. However, unintended severe artifacts are occasionally observed in the output of them. In this work, we address this critical issue by investigating the origins of these artifacts and proposing the conditions to avoid them. First of all, we empirically and theoretically reveal that these problems are caused by ``exploding variance'' in the conditional affine coupling layer for certain out-of-distribution (OOD) conditional inputs. Then, we further validated that the probability of causing erroneous artifacts in pixels is highly correlated with a Mahalanobis distance-based OOD score for inverse problems in imaging. Lastly, based on our investigations, we propose a remark to avoid exploding variance and then based on it, we suggest a simple remedy that substitutes the affine coupling layers with the modified rational quadratic spline coupling layers in normalizing flows, to encourage the robustness of generated image samples. Our experimental results demonstrated that our suggested methods effectively suppressed critical artifacts occurring in normalizing flows for super-resolution space generation and low-light image enhancement without compromising performance.
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