The increasingly crucial role of human displacements in complex societal phenomena, such as traffic congestion, segregation, and the diffusion of epidemics, is attracting the interest of scientists from several disciplines. In this article, we address mobility network generation, i.e., generating a city's entire mobility network, a weighted directed graph in which nodes are geographic locations and weighted edges represent people's movements between those locations, thus describing the entire mobility set flows within a city. Our solution is MoGAN, a model based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate realistic mobility networks. We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets of bike and taxi rides to show that MoGAN outperforms the classical Gravity and Radiation models regarding the realism of the generated networks. Our model can be used for data augmentation and performing simulations and what-if analysis.
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Streets networks provide an invaluable source of information about the different temporal and spatial patterns emerging in our cities. These streets are often represented as graphs where intersections are modelled as nodes and streets as links between them. Previous work has shown that raster representations of the original data can be created through a learning algorithm on low-dimensional representations of the street networks. In contrast, models that capture high-level urban network metrics can be trained through convolutional neural networks. However, the detailed topological data is lost through the rasterisation of the street network. The models cannot recover this information from the image alone, failing to capture complex street network features. This paper proposes a model capable of inferring good representations directly from the street network. Specifically, we use a variational autoencoder with graph convolutional layers and a decoder that outputs a probabilistic fully-connected graph to learn latent representations that encode both local network structure and the spatial distribution of nodes. We train the model on thousands of street network segments and use the learnt representations to generate synthetic street configurations. Finally, we proposed a possible application to classify the urban morphology of different network segments by investigating their common characteristics in the learnt space.
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使用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法近似风流可能是耗时的。创建用于在观察风流量变化的同时以交互式设计原型的工具需要更简单的模型来模拟更快。代替运行数值近似导致的详细计算,深度学习中的数据驱动方法可能能够在一小部分中提供类似的结果。这项工作将使用CFD计算到计算3D流场的问题,以在建筑占地面积上使用CFD到基于2D图像到图像转换的问题,以预测行人高度水平的流场。我们调查使用生成的对冲网络(GAN),例如PIX2PIX [1]和CYCREGAN [2]代表各种域中的图像到图像转换任务以及U-Net AutoEncoder [ 3]。模型可以以数据驱动的方式学习数据集的基础分布,我们认为可以帮助模型从CFD中了解底层雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程。我们在具有且没有高度信息的各种三维诈唬型建筑物上进行新型模拟数据集。此外,我们为生成的图像提供了广泛的定性和定量评估,以选择模型,并将其性能与CFD传递的模拟进行比较。然后,我们通过提出用于在不同架构上注入这种信息的一般框架,将位置数据添加到输入可以产生更准确的结果。此外,我们表明模型通过应用注意机制和光谱归一化来改善,以便于稳定训练。
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城市规划指的是指定为一个地区设计土地使用配置的努力。然而,为了获得有效的城市计划,城市专家必须花费很多时间和精力,以根据领域知识和个人经验分析复杂的规划限制。为了减轻他们的沉重负担并产生一致的城市计划,我们想问一下AI可以加快城市规划过程,让人类规划者只调整所生成的特定需求的配置吗?最近的深度生成模型的进步提供了一个可能的答案,激励我们从对抗对抗的学习角度自动化城市规划。但是,出现了三个主要挑战:1)如何定量定量土地使用配置? 2)如何自动化配置规划? 3)如何评估生成配置的质量?在本文中,我们系统地解决了三个挑战。具体而言,1)我们将土地使用配置定义为经度纬度通道张量。 2)我们将自动化城市规划问题制定为深度生成学习的任务。目的是给定针对目标区域的周围上下文产生配置张量。 3)我们提供量化评估指标,并进行广泛的实验,以证明我们框架的有效性。
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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In data-driven systems, data exploration is imperative for making real-time decisions. However, big data is stored in massive databases that are difficult to retrieve. Approximate Query Processing (AQP) is a technique for providing approximate answers to aggregate queries based on a summary of the data (synopsis) that closely replicates the behavior of the actual data, which can be useful where an approximate answer to the queries would be acceptable in a fraction of the real execution time. In this paper, we discuss the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for generating tabular data that can be employed in AQP for synopsis construction. We first discuss the challenges associated with constructing synopses in relational databases and then introduce solutions to those challenges. Following that, we organized statistical metrics to evaluate the quality of the generated synopses. We conclude that tabular data complexity makes it difficult for algorithms to understand relational database semantics during training, and improved versions of tabular GANs are capable of constructing synopses to revolutionize data-driven decision-making systems.
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已经在图形图上进行了大量研究,但是许多现有方法仅着重于优化图形布局的特定美学方面。给定图形,生成满足某些人类美学偏好的良好布局仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务,尤其是如果无法将这种偏好表示为可区分的目标函数。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于学生教师GAN的图形绘图框架SmartGD,该框架学会了绘制图形,就像人类学习执行任务一样。 SmartGD中的学生网络通过模仿良好的布局示例来学习图形,而SmartGD的教师网络负责提供有关生成布局优点的评分。当缺乏具体的审美标准来指定构成良好布局的内容时,学生网络可以从良好的布局示例中学习。另一方面,如果可以通过定量标准评估布局的好处(即使不是可区分的),学生网络可以将其用作优化目标美学的具体目标。为了实现目标,我们提出了一种新颖的gan变体,自挑战的gan,以了解有关任何审美标准的最佳布局分布,无论标准是否可区分。所提出的图形绘图框架不仅可以以与良好的布局示例相似的样式绘制图形,而且还可以根据任何给定的美学标准优化图形布局。一旦训练了模型,就可以根据示例布局的样式或所选美学标准可视化任意图。全面的实验研究表明,根据普通商定的指标,SMARTGD优于12种基准方法。
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Social network analysis faces profound difficulties in sharing data between researchers due to privacy and security concerns. A potential remedy to this issue are synthetic networks, that closely resemble their real counterparts, but can be freely distributed. generating synthetic networks requires the creation of network topologies that, in application, function as realistically as possible. Widely applied models are currently rule-based and can struggle to reproduce structural dynamics. Lead by recent developments in Graph Neural Network (GNN) models for network generation we evaluate the potential of GNNs for synthetic social networks. Our GNN use is specifically within a reasonable use-case and includes empirical evaluation using Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). We include social network specific measurements which allow evaluation of how realistically synthetic networks behave in typical social network analysis applications. We find that the Gated Recurrent Attention Network (GRAN) extends well to social networks, and in comparison to a benchmark popular rule-based generation Recursive-MATrix (R-MAT) method, is better able to replicate realistic structural dynamics. We find that GRAN is more computationally costly than R-MAT, but is not excessively costly to employ, so would be effective for researchers seeking to create datasets of synthetic social networks.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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Common measures of brain functional connectivity (FC) including covariance and correlation matrices are semi-positive definite (SPD) matrices residing on a cone-shape Riemannian manifold. Despite its remarkable success for Euclidean-valued data generation, use of standard generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate manifold-valued FC data neglects its inherent SPD structure and hence the inter-relatedness of edges in real FC. We propose a novel graph-regularized manifold-aware conditional Wasserstein GAN (GR-SPD-GAN) for FC data generation on the SPD manifold that can preserve the global FC structure. Specifically, we optimize a generalized Wasserstein distance between the real and generated SPD data under an adversarial training, conditioned on the class labels. The resulting generator can synthesize new SPD-valued FC matrices associated with different classes of brain networks, e.g., brain disorder or healthy control. Furthermore, we introduce additional population graph-based regularization terms on both the SPD manifold and its tangent space to encourage the generator to respect the inter-subject similarity of FC patterns in the real data. This also helps in avoiding mode collapse and produces more stable GAN training. Evaluated on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of major depressive disorder (MDD), qualitative and quantitative results show that the proposed GR-SPD-GAN clearly outperforms several state-of-the-art GANs in generating more realistic fMRI-based FC samples. When applied to FC data augmentation for MDD identification, classification models trained on augmented data generated by our approach achieved the largest margin of improvement in classification accuracy among the competing GANs over baselines without data augmentation.
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与CNN的分类,分割或对象检测相比,生成网络的目标和方法根本不同。最初,它们不是作为图像分析工具,而是生成自然看起来的图像。已经提出了对抗性训练范式来稳定生成方法,并已被证明是非常成功的 - 尽管绝不是第一次尝试。本章对生成对抗网络(GAN)的动机进行了基本介绍,并通​​过抽象基本任务和工作机制并得出了早期实用方法的困难来追溯其成功的道路。将显示进行更稳定的训练方法,也将显示出不良收敛及其原因的典型迹象。尽管本章侧重于用于图像生成和图像分析的gan,但对抗性训练范式本身并非特定于图像,并且在图像分析中也概括了任务。在将GAN与最近进入场景的进一步生成建模方法进行对比之前,将闻名图像语义分割和异常检测的架构示例。这将允许对限制的上下文化观点,但也可以对gans有好处。
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