The current dominant paradigm for feature learning in computer vision relies on training neural networks for the task of object recognition using millions of hand labelled images. Is it also possible to learn useful features for a diverse set of visual tasks using any other form of supervision ? In biology, living organisms developed the ability of visual perception for the purpose of moving and acting in the world. Drawing inspiration from this observation, in this work we investigate if the awareness of egomotion can be used as a supervisory signal for feature learning. As opposed to the knowledge of class labels, information about egomotion is freely available to mobile agents. We show that using the same number of training images, features learnt using egomotion as supervision compare favourably to features learnt using class-label as supervision on the tasks of scene recognition, object recognition, visual odometry and keypoint matching."We move in order to see and we see in order to move"
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We present a method for 3D object detection and pose estimation from a single image. In contrast to current techniques that only regress the 3D orientation of an object, our method first regresses relatively stable 3D object properties using a deep convolutional neural network and then combines these estimates with geometric constraints provided by a 2D object bounding box to produce a complete 3D bounding box. The first network output estimates the 3D object orientation using a novel hybrid discrete-continuous loss, which significantly outperforms the L2 loss. The second output regresses the 3D object dimensions, which have relatively little variance compared to alternatives and can often be predicted for many object types. These estimates, combined with the geometric constraints on translation imposed by the 2D bounding box, enable us to recover a stable and accurate 3D object pose. We evaluate our method on the challenging KITTI object detection benchmark [2] both on the official metric of 3D orientation estimation and also on the accuracy of the obtained 3D bounding boxes. Although conceptually simple, our method outperforms more complex and computationally expensive approaches that leverage semantic segmentation, instance level segmentation and flat ground priors [4] and sub-category detection [23][24]. Our discrete-continuous loss also produces state of the art results for 3D viewpoint estimation on the Pascal 3D+ dataset[26].
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In this paper we study the problem of image representation learning without human annotation. By following the principles of selfsupervision, we build a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can be trained to solve Jigsaw puzzles as a pretext task, which requires no manual labeling, and then later repurposed to solve object classification and detection. To maintain the compatibility across tasks we introduce the context-free network (CFN), a siamese-ennead CNN. The CFN takes image tiles as input and explicitly limits the receptive field (or context) of its early processing units to one tile at a time. We show that the CFN includes fewer parameters than AlexNet while preserving the same semantic learning capabilities. By training the CFN to solve Jigsaw puzzles, we learn both a feature mapping of object parts as well as their correct spatial arrangement. Our experimental evaluations show that the learned features capture semantically relevant content. Our proposed method for learning visual representations outperforms state of the art methods in several transfer learning benchmarks.
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Large-scale labeled data are generally required to train deep neural networks in order to obtain better performance in visual feature learning from images or videos for computer vision applications. To avoid extensive cost of collecting and annotating large-scale datasets, as a subset of unsupervised learning methods, self-supervised learning methods are proposed to learn general image and video features from large-scale unlabeled data without using any human-annotated labels. This paper provides an extensive review of deep learning-based self-supervised general visual feature learning methods from images or videos. First, the motivation, general pipeline, and terminologies of this field are described. Then the common deep neural network architectures that used for self-supervised learning are summarized. Next, the schema and evaluation metrics of self-supervised learning methods are reviewed followed by the commonly used image and video datasets and the existing self-supervised visual feature learning methods. Finally, quantitative performance comparisons of the reviewed methods on benchmark datasets are summarized and discussed for both image and video feature learning. At last, this paper is concluded and lists a set of promising future directions for self-supervised visual feature learning.
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转移学习可以在源任务上重新使用知识来帮助学习目标任务。一种简单的转移学习形式在当前的最先进的计算机视觉模型中是常见的,即预先训练ILSVRC数据集上的图像分类模型,然后在任何目标任务上进行微调。然而,先前对转移学习的系统研究已经有限,并且预计工作的情况并不完全明白。在本文中,我们对跨越不同的图像域进行了广泛的转移学习实验探索(消费者照片,自主驾驶,空中图像,水下,室内场景,合成,特写镜头)和任务类型(语义分割,物体检测,深度估计,关键点检测)。重要的是,这些都是与现代计算机视觉应用相关的复杂的结构化的输出任务类型。总共执行超过2000年的转移学习实验,包括许多来源和目标来自不同的图像域,任务类型或两者。我们系统地分析了这些实验,了解图像域,任务类型和数据集大小对传输学习性能的影响。我们的研究导致了几个见解和具体建议:(1)对于大多数任务,存在一个显着优于ILSVRC'12预培训的来源; (2)图像领域是实现阳性转移的最重要因素; (3)源数据集应该\ \ emph {include}目标数据集的图像域以获得最佳结果; (4)与此同时,当源任务的图像域比目标的图像域时,我们只观察小的负面影响; (5)跨任务类型的转移可能是有益的,但其成功严重依赖于源和目标任务类型。
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Estimating 6D poses of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the input image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using a disentangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over stateof-the-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects.
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This work explores the use of spatial context as a source of free and plentiful supervisory signal for training a rich visual representation. Given only a large, unlabeled image collection, we extract random pairs of patches from each image and train a convolutional neural net to predict the position of the second patch relative to the first. We argue that doing well on this task requires the model to learn to recognize objects and their parts. We demonstrate that the feature representation learned using this within-image context indeed captures visual similarity across images. For example, this representation allows us to perform unsupervised visual discovery of objects like cats, people, and even birds from the Pascal VOC 2011 detection dataset. Furthermore, we show that the learned ConvNet can be used in the R-CNN framework [21] and provides a significant boost over a randomly-initialized ConvNet, resulting in state-of-theart performance among algorithms which use only Pascalprovided training set annotations.
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Convolutional Neural Networks define an exceptionally powerful class of models, but are still limited by the lack of ability to be spatially invariant to the input data in a computationally and parameter efficient manner. In this work we introduce a new learnable module, the Spatial Transformer, which explicitly allows the spatial manipulation of data within the network. This differentiable module can be inserted into existing convolutional architectures, giving neural networks the ability to actively spatially transform feature maps, conditional on the feature map itself, without any extra training supervision or modification to the optimisation process. We show that the use of spatial transformers results in models which learn invariance to translation, scale, rotation and more generic warping, resulting in state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, and for a number of classes of transformations.
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Deep convolutional networks have proven to be very successful in learning task specific features that allow for unprecedented performance on various computer vision tasks. Training of such networks follows mostly the supervised learning paradigm, where sufficiently many input-output pairs are required for training. Acquisition of large training sets is one of the key challenges, when approaching a new task. In this paper, we aim for generic feature learning and present an approach for training a convolutional network using only unlabeled data. To this end, we train the network to discriminate between a set of surrogate classes. Each surrogate class is formed by applying a variety of transformations to a randomly sampled 'seed' image patch. In contrast to supervised network training, the resulting feature representation is not class specific. It rather provides robustness to the transformations that have been applied during training. This generic feature representation allows for classification results that outperform the state of the art for unsupervised learning on several popular datasets . While such generic features cannot compete with class specific features from supervised training on a classification task, we show that they are advantageous on geometric matching problems, where they also outperform the SIFT descriptor.
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We consider the question: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to a large number of unlabelled videos? There is a valuable, but so far untapped, source of information contained in the video itself -the correspondence between the visual and the audio streams, and we introduce a novel "Audio-Visual Correspondence" learning task that makes use of this. Training visual and audio networks from scratch, without any additional supervision other than the raw unconstrained videos themselves, is shown to successfully solve this task, and, more interestingly, result in good visual and audio representations. These features set the new state-of-the-art on two sound classification benchmarks, and perform on par with the state-of-the-art selfsupervised approaches on ImageNet classification. We also demonstrate that the network is able to localize objects in both modalities, as well as perform fine-grained recognition tasks.
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相对摄像头姿势估计,即使用在不同位置拍摄的一对图像来估算翻译和旋转向量,是增强现实和机器人技术系统中系统的重要组成部分。在本文中,我们使用独立于摄像机参数的暹罗体系结构提出了端到端的相对摄像头姿势估计网络。使用剑桥地标数据和四个单独的场景数据集和一个结合四个场景的数据集对网络进行培训。为了改善概括,我们提出了一种新颖的两阶段训练,以减轻超参数以平衡翻译和旋转损失量表的需求。将提出的方法与基于CNN的一阶段培训方法(例如RPNET和RCPNET)进行了比较,并证明了所提出的模型在Kings College,Old Hospital和St Marys上提出的翻译量估计提高了16.11%,28.88%和52.27%教堂场景分别。为了证明纹理不变性,我们使用生成的对抗网络研究了提出的方法的概括,将数据集扩展到不同场景样式,作为消融研究。此外,我们对网络预测和地面真相构成的异性线进行定性评估。
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Due to object detection's close relationship with video analysis and image understanding, it has attracted much research attention in recent years. Traditional object detection methods are built on handcrafted features and shallow trainable architectures. Their performance easily stagnates by constructing complex ensembles which combine multiple low-level image features with high-level context from object detectors and scene classifiers. With the rapid development in deep learning, more powerful tools, which are able to learn semantic, high-level, deeper features, are introduced to address the problems existing in traditional architectures. These models behave differently in network architecture, training strategy and optimization function, etc. In this paper, we provide a review on deep learning based object detection frameworks. Our review begins with a brief introduction on the history of deep learning and its representative tool, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Then we focus on typical generic object detection architectures along with some modifications and useful tricks to improve detection performance further. As distinct specific detection tasks exhibit different characteristics, we also briefly survey several specific tasks, including salient object detection, face detection and pedestrian detection. Experimental analyses are also provided to compare various methods and draw some meaningful conclusions. Finally, several promising directions and tasks are provided to serve as guidelines for future work in both object detection and relevant neural network based learning systems.
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Object detection performance, as measured on the canonical PASCAL VOC dataset, has plateaued in the last few years. The best-performing methods are complex ensemble systems that typically combine multiple low-level image features with high-level context. In this paper, we propose a simple and scalable detection algorithm that improves mean average precision (mAP) by more than 30% relative to the previous best result on VOC 2012-achieving a mAP of 53.3%. Our approach combines two key insights:(1) one can apply high-capacity convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to bottom-up region proposals in order to localize and segment objects and (2) when labeled training data is scarce, supervised pre-training for an auxiliary task, followed by domain-specific fine-tuning, yields a significant performance boost. Since we combine region proposals with CNNs, we call our method R-CNN: Regions with CNN features. We also compare R-CNN to OverFeat, a recently proposed sliding-window detector based on a similar CNN architecture. We find that R-CNN outperforms OverFeat by a large margin on the 200-class ILSVRC2013 detection dataset. Source code for the complete system is available at ˜rbg/rcnn.
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In this paper our objectives are, first, networks that can embed audio and visual inputs into a common space that is suitable for cross-modal retrieval; and second, a network that can localize the object that sounds in an image, given the audio signal. We achieve both these objectives by training from unlabelled video using only audio-visual correspondence (AVC) as the objective function. This is a form of crossmodal self-supervision from video. To this end, we design new network architectures that can be trained for cross-modal retrieval and localizing the sound source in an image, by using the AVC task. We make the following contributions: (i) show that audio and visual embeddings can be learnt that enable both within-mode (e.g. audio-to-audio) and between-mode retrieval; (ii) explore various architectures for the AVC task, including those for the visual stream that ingest a single image, or multiple images, or a single image and multi-frame optical flow; (iii) show that the semantic object that sounds within an image can be localized (using only the sound, no motion or flow information); and (iv) give a cautionary tale on how to avoid undesirable shortcuts in the data preparation.
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当代掌握检测方法采用深度学习,实现传感器和物体模型不确定性的鲁棒性。这两个主导的方法设计了掌握质量评分或基于锚的掌握识别网络。本文通过将其视为图像空间中的关键点检测来掌握掌握检测的不同方法。深网络检测每个掌握候选者作为一对关键点,可转换为掌握代表= {x,y,w,{\ theta}} t,而不是转角点的三态或四重奏。通过将关键点分组成对来降低检测难度提高性能。为了促进捕获关键点之间的依赖关系,将非本地模块结合到网络设计中。基于离散和连续定向预测的最终过滤策略消除了错误的对应关系,并进一步提高了掌握检测性能。此处提出的方法GKNET在康奈尔和伸缩的提花数据集上的精度和速度之间实现了良好的平衡(在41.67和23.26 fps的96.9%和98.39%)之间。操纵器上的后续实验使用4种类型的抓取实验来评估GKNet,反映不同滋扰的速度:静态抓握,动态抓握,在各种相机角度抓住,夹住。 GKNet优于静态和动态掌握实验中的参考基线,同时表现出变化的相机观点和中度杂波的稳健性。结果证实了掌握关键点是深度掌握网络的有效输出表示的假设,为预期的滋扰因素提供鲁棒性。
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Access to large, diverse RGB-D datasets is critical for training RGB-D scene understanding algorithms. However, existing datasets still cover only a limited number of views or a restricted scale of spaces. In this paper, we introduce Matterport3D, a large-scale RGB-D dataset containing 10,800 panoramic views from 194,400 RGB-D images of 90 building-scale scenes. Annotations are provided with surface reconstructions, camera poses, and 2D and 3D semantic segmentations. The precise global alignment and comprehensive, diverse panoramic set of views over entire buildings enable a variety of supervised and self-supervised computer vision tasks, including keypoint matching, view overlap prediction, normal prediction from color, semantic segmentation, and region classification.
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Self-supervised learning aims to learn representations from the data itself without explicit manual supervision. Existing efforts ignore a crucial aspect of self-supervised learning -the ability to scale to large amount of data because self-supervision requires no manual labels. In this work, we revisit this principle and scale two popular selfsupervised approaches to 100 million images. We show that by scaling on various axes (including data size and problem 'hardness'), one can largely match or even exceed the performance of supervised pre-training on a variety of tasks such as object detection, surface normal estimation (3D) and visual navigation using reinforcement learning. Scaling these methods also provides many interesting insights into the limitations of current self-supervised techniques and evaluations. We conclude that current self-supervised methods are not 'hard' enough to take full advantage of large scale data and do not seem to learn effective high level semantic representations. We also introduce an extensive benchmark across 9 different datasets and tasks. We believe that such a benchmark along with comparable evaluation settings is necessary to make meaningful progress.
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