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We introduce Group equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks (G-CNNs), a natural generalization of convolutional neural networks that reduces sample complexity by exploiting symmetries. G-CNNs use G-convolutions, a new type of layer that enjoys a substantially higher degree of weight sharing than regular convolution layers. G-convolutions increase the expressive capacity of the network without increasing the number of parameters. Group convolution layers are easy to use and can be implemented with negligible computational overhead for discrete groups generated by translations, reflections and rotations. G-CNNs achieve state of the art results on CI-FAR10 and rotated MNIST.
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卷积神经网络(CNN)在翻译下是固有的等分反,但是,它们没有等效的嵌入机制来处理其他变换,例如旋转和规模变化。存在几种方法,使CNN通过设计在其他转换组下变得等效。其中,可操纵的CNN特别有效。然而,这些方法需要将滤波器重新设计标准网络,筛选涉及复杂的分析功能的预定义基的组合。我们通过实验证明,在选择的基础上的这些限制可能导致模型权重,这对主要深度学习任务进行了次优(例如,分类)。此外,这种硬烘焙的显式配方使得难以设计包括异质特征组的复合网络。为了规避此类问题,我们提出了隐含的等级网络(IEN),其通过优化与标准损耗术语相结合的多目标损耗函数来诱导标准CNN模型的不同层的等级。通过在ROT-MNIST上的VGG和RESNET模型的实验,ROT-TINIMAGENET,SCALE-MNIST和STL-10数据集上,我们表明IEN,即使是简单的配方,也要优于可操纵网络。此外,IEN促进了非均相过滤器组的构建,允许CNNS中的通道数量减少超过30%,同时保持与基线的表现。 IEN的功效进一步验证了视觉对象跟踪的难题。我们表明IEN优于最先进的旋转等级跟踪方法,同时提供更快的推理速度。
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In this paper we present TreEnhance, an automatic method for low-light image enhancement capable of improving the quality of digital images. The method combines tree search theory, and in particular the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm, with deep reinforcement learning. Given as input a low-light image, TreEnhance produces as output its enhanced version together with the sequence of image editing operations used to obtain it. During the training phase, the method repeatedly alternates two main phases: a generation phase, where a modified version of MCTS explores the space of image editing operations and selects the most promising sequence, and an optimization phase, where the parameters of a neural network, implementing the enhancement policy, are updated. Two different inference solutions are proposed for the enhancement of new images: one is based on MCTS and is more accurate but more time and memory consuming; the other directly applies the learned policy and is faster but slightly less precise. As a further contribution, we propose a guided search strategy that "reverses" the enhancement procedure that a photo editor applied to a given input image. Unlike other methods from the state of the art, TreEnhance does not pose any constraint on the image resolution and can be used in a variety of scenarios with minimal tuning. We tested the method on two datasets: the Low-Light dataset and the Adobe Five-K dataset obtaining good results from both a qualitative and a quantitative point of view.
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基于2D图像的3D对象的推理由于从不同方向查看对象引起的外观差异很大,因此具有挑战性。理想情况下,我们的模型将是对物体姿势变化的不变或等效的。不幸的是,对于2D图像输入,这通常是不可能的,因为我们没有一个先验模型,即在平面外对象旋转下如何改变图像。唯一的$ \ mathrm {so}(3)$ - 当前存在的模型需要点云输入而不是2D图像。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于Icosahedral群卷积的新型模型体系结构,即通过将输入图像投影到iCosahedron上,以$ \ mathrm {so(3)} $中的理由。由于此投影,该模型大致与$ \ mathrm {so}(3)$中的旋转大致相当。我们将此模型应用于对象构成估计任务,并发现它的表现优于合理的基准。
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The principle of equivariance to symmetry transformations enables a theoretically grounded approach to neural network architecture design. Equivariant networks have shown excellent performance and data efficiency on vision and medical imaging problems that exhibit symmetries. Here we show how this principle can be extended beyond global symmetries to local gauge transformations. This enables the development of a very general class of convolutional neural networks on manifolds that depend only on the intrinsic geometry, and which includes many popular methods from equivariant and geometric deep learning.We implement gauge equivariant CNNs for signals defined on the surface of the icosahedron, which provides a reasonable approximation of the sphere. By choosing to work with this very regular manifold, we are able to implement the gauge equivariant convolution using a single conv2d call, making it a highly scalable and practical alternative to Spherical CNNs. Using this method, we demonstrate substantial improvements over previous methods on the task of segmenting omnidirectional images and global climate patterns.
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标准卷积神经网络(CNN)的卷积层与翻译一样。然而,卷积和完全连接的层与其他仿射几何变换并不是等等的或不变的。最近,提出了一类新的CNN,其中CNN的常规层被均衡卷积,合并和批量归一化层代替。 eprovariant神经网络中的最终分类层对于不同的仿射几何变换(例如旋转,反射和翻译)是不变的,并且标量值是通过消除过滤器响应的空间尺寸,使用卷积和向下缩采样的整个网络或平均值来获得。接管过滤器响应。在这项工作中,我们建议整合正交力矩,该矩将功能的高阶统计数据作为编码全局不变性在旋转,反射和翻译中的有效手段。结果,网络的中间层变得模棱两可,而分类层变得不变。出于这个目的,考虑使用最广泛使用的Zernike,伪菜单和正交傅立叶粉刺矩。通过在旋转的MNIST和CIFAR10数据集上集成了组等级CNN(G-CNN)的体系结构中的不变过渡和完全连接的层来评估所提出的工作的有效性。
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Translating or rotating an input image should not affect the results of many computer vision tasks. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are already translation equivariant: input image translations produce proportionate feature map translations. This is not the case for rotations. Global rotation equivariance is typically sought through data augmentation, but patch-wise equivariance is more difficult. We present Harmonic Networks or H-Nets, a CNN exhibiting equivariance to patch-wise translation and 360-rotation. We achieve this by replacing regular CNN filters with circular harmonics, returning a maximal response and orientation for every receptive field patch.H-Nets use a rich, parameter-efficient and fixed computational complexity representation, and we show that deep feature maps within the network encode complicated rotational invariants. We demonstrate that our layers are general enough to be used in conjunction with the latest architectures and techniques, such as deep supervision and batch normalization. We also achieve state-of-the-art classification on rotated-MNIST, and competitive results on other benchmark challenges.
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标准情况被出现为对构成组的身份保留转换的物体表示的理想性质,例如翻译和旋转。然而,由组标准规定的表示的表示的表现仍然不完全理解。我们通过提供封面函数计数定理的概括来解决这个差距,这些定理量化了可以分配给物体的等异点的线性可分离和组不变二进制二分层的数量。我们发现可分离二分法的分数由由组动作固定的空间的尺寸决定。我们展示了该关系如何扩展到卷积,元素 - 明智的非线性和全局和本地汇集等操作。虽然其他操作不会改变可分离二分法的分数,但尽管是高度非线性操作,但是局部汇集减少了分数。最后,我们在随机初始化和全培训的卷积神经网络的中间代表中测试了我们的理论,并找到了完美的协议。
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With the substantial performance of neural networks in sensitive fields increases the need for interpretable deep learning models. Major challenge is to uncover the multiscale and distributed representation hidden inside the basket mappings of the deep neural networks. Researchers have been trying to comprehend it through visual analysis of features, mathematical structures, or other data-driven approaches. Here, we work on implementation invariances of CNN-based representations and present an analytical binary prototype that provides useful insights for large scale real-life applications. We begin by unfolding conventional CNN and then repack it with a more transparent representation. Inspired by the attainment of neural networks, we choose to present our findings as a three-layer model. First is a representation layer that encompasses both the class information (group invariant) and symmetric transformations (group equivariant) of input images. Through these transformations, we decrease intra-class distance and increase the inter-class distance. It is then passed through a dimension reduction layer followed by a classifier. The proposed representation is compared with the equivariance of AlexNet (CNN) internal representation for better dissemination of simulation results. We foresee following immediate advantages of this toy version: i) contributes pre-processing of data to increase the feature or class separability in large scale problems, ii) helps designing neural architecture to improve the classification performance in multi-class problems, and iii) helps building interpretable CNN through scalable functional blocks.
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Training generative adversarial networks (GAN) using too little data typically leads to discriminator overfitting, causing training to diverge. We propose an adaptive discriminator augmentation mechanism that significantly stabilizes training in limited data regimes. The approach does not require changes to loss functions or network architectures, and is applicable both when training from scratch and when fine-tuning an existing GAN on another dataset. We demonstrate, on several datasets, that good results are now possible using only a few thousand training images, often matching StyleGAN2 results with an order of magnitude fewer images. We expect this to open up new application domains for GANs. We also find that the widely used CIFAR-10 is, in fact, a limited data benchmark, and improve the record FID from 5.59 to 2.42.
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