We show two average-reward off-policy control algorithms, Differential Q-learning (Wan, Naik, & Sutton 2021a) and RVI Q-learning (Abounadi Bertsekas & Borkar 2001), converge in weakly communicating MDPs. Weakly communicating MDPs are the most general MDPs that can be solved by a learning algorithm with a single stream of experience. The original convergence proofs of the two algorithms require that the solution set of the average-reward optimality equation only has one degree of freedom, which is not necessarily true for weakly communicating MDPs. To the best of our knowledge, our results are the first showing average-reward off-policy control algorithms converge in weakly communicating MDPs. As a direct extension, we show that average-reward options algorithms for temporal abstraction introduced by Wan, Naik, & Sutton (2021b) converge if the Semi-MDP induced by options is weakly communicating.
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In robust Markov decision processes (MDPs), the uncertainty in the transition kernel is addressed by finding a policy that optimizes the worst-case performance over an uncertainty set of MDPs. While much of the literature has focused on discounted MDPs, robust average-reward MDPs remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we focus on robust average-reward MDPs, where the goal is to find a policy that optimizes the worst-case average reward over an uncertainty set. We first take an approach that approximates average-reward MDPs using discounted MDPs. We prove that the robust discounted value function converges to the robust average-reward as the discount factor $\gamma$ goes to $1$, and moreover, when $\gamma$ is large, any optimal policy of the robust discounted MDP is also an optimal policy of the robust average-reward. We further design a robust dynamic programming approach, and theoretically characterize its convergence to the optimum. Then, we investigate robust average-reward MDPs directly without using discounted MDPs as an intermediate step. We derive the robust Bellman equation for robust average-reward MDPs, prove that the optimal policy can be derived from its solution, and further design a robust relative value iteration algorithm that provably finds its solution, or equivalently, the optimal robust policy.
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致命的三合会是指在使用违法学习,函数逼近和同时引导时的加强学习算法的不稳定性。在本文中,我们将目标网络作为破坏致命三层的工具,为目标网络稳定训练的传统智慧提供理论支持。我们首先提出并分析了一种新的目标网络更新规则,该规则增加了两个预测的常用的Polyak平均样式更新。然后,我们将目标网络和脊正则化在几个不同的算法中应用,并显示它们对正则化TD固定点的融合。这些算法是具有线性函数近似和自动启动的禁止策略,跨越策略评估和控制,以及折扣和平均奖励设置。特别是,我们在非批评性和更改行为策略下提供第一个收敛线性$ Q $算法,没有双级优化。
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随机游戏的学习可以说是多功能钢筋学习(MARL)中最标准和最基本的环境。在本文中,我们考虑在非渐近制度的随机游戏中分散的Marl。特别是,我们在大量的一般总和随机游戏(SGS)中建立了完全分散的Q学习算法的有限样本复杂性 - 弱循环SGS,包括对所有代理商的普通合作MARL设置具有相同的奖励(马尔可夫团队问题是一个特例。我们专注于实用的同时具有挑战性地设置完全分散的Marl,既不奖励也没有其他药剂的作用,每个试剂都可以观察到。事实上,每个特工都完全忘记了其他决策者的存在。表格和线性函数近似情况都已考虑。在表格设置中,我们分析了分散的Q学习算法的样本复杂性,以收敛到马尔可夫完美均衡(NASH均衡)。利用线性函数近似,结果用于收敛到线性近似平衡 - 我们提出的均衡的新概念 - 这描述了每个代理的策略是线性空间内的最佳回复(到其他代理)。还提供了数值实验,用于展示结果。
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In many sequential decision-making problems one is interested in minimizing an expected cumulative cost while taking into account risk, i.e., increased awareness of events of small probability and high consequences. Accordingly, the objective of this paper is to present efficient reinforcement learning algorithms for risk-constrained Markov decision processes (MDPs), where risk is represented via a chance constraint or a constraint on the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) of the cumulative cost. We collectively refer to such problems as percentile risk-constrained MDPs. Specifically, we first derive a formula for computing the gradient of the Lagrangian function for percentile riskconstrained MDPs. Then, we devise policy gradient and actor-critic algorithms that (1) estimate such gradient, (2) update the policy in the descent direction, and (3) update the Lagrange multiplier in the ascent direction. For these algorithms we prove convergence to locally optimal policies. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms in an optimal stopping problem and an online marketing application.
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一种简单自然的增强学习算法(RL)是蒙特卡洛探索开始(MCES),通过平均蒙特卡洛回报来估算Q功能,并通过选择最大化Q当前估计的行动来改进策略。 -功能。探索是通过“探索开始”来执行的,即每个情节以随机选择的状态和动作开始,然后遵循当前的策略到终端状态。在Sutton&Barto(2018)的RL经典书中,据说建立MCES算法的收敛是RL中最重要的剩余理论问题之一。但是,MCE的收敛问题证明是非常细微的。 Bertsekas&Tsitsiklis(1996)提供了一个反例,表明MCES算法不一定会收敛。 TSITSIKLIS(2002)进一步表明,如果修改了原始MCES算法,以使Q-功能估计值以所有状态行动对以相同的速率更新,并且折现因子严格少于一个,则MCES算法收敛。在本文中,我们通过Sutton&Barto(1998)中给出的原始,更有效的MCES算法取得进展政策。这样的MDP包括大量的环境,例如所有确定性环境和所有具有时间步长的情节环境或作为状态的任何单调变化的值。与以前使用随机近似的证据不同,我们引入了一种新型的感应方法,该方法非常简单,仅利用大量的强规律。
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学习来自数据样本的给定策略的价值函数是强化学习中的重要问题。TD($ \ lambda $)是一个流行的算法,可以解决这个问题。但是,分配给不同$ n $ -step的权重在参数$ \ lambda $控制的TD($ \ lambda $)中返回,随着$ n $的增加,呈指数级增长。在本文中,我们展示了一个$ \ lambda $ -schedule程序,将TD($ \ lambda $)算法概括为参数$ \ lambda $的情况随时间步骤而异。这允许通过选择序列$ \ {\ lambda_t \} $ \ {t \ geq 1} $来指定重量分配中的灵活性,即,用户可以指定分配给不同$ n $ -step返回的权重。基于此过程,我们提出了一个on-police算法 - TD($ \ lambda $) - 计划和两个offoly almorithms - gtd($ \ lambda $) - 计划和tdc($ \ lambda $) - 计划,分别。我们提供了一般马尔可夫噪声框架下所有三种算法的几乎肯定融合的证据。
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This work considers the sample complexity of obtaining an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy in an average reward Markov Decision Process (AMDP), given access to a generative model (simulator). When the ground-truth MDP is weakly communicating, we prove an upper bound of $\widetilde O(H \varepsilon^{-3} \ln \frac{1}{\delta})$ samples per state-action pair, where $H := sp(h^*)$ is the span of bias of any optimal policy, $\varepsilon$ is the accuracy and $\delta$ is the failure probability. This bound improves the best-known mixing-time-based approaches in [Jin & Sidford 2021], which assume the mixing-time of every deterministic policy is bounded. The core of our analysis is a proper reduction bound from AMDP problems to discounted MDP (DMDP) problems, which may be of independent interests since it allows the application of DMDP algorithms for AMDP in other settings. We complement our upper bound by proving a minimax lower bound of $\Omega(|\mathcal S| |\mathcal A| H \varepsilon^{-2} \ln \frac{1}{\delta})$ total samples, showing that a linear dependent on $H$ is necessary and that our upper bound matches the lower bound in all parameters of $(|\mathcal S|, |\mathcal A|, H, \ln \frac{1}{\delta})$ up to some logarithmic factors.
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策略梯度方法适用于复杂的,不理解的,通过对参数化的策略进行随机梯度下降来控制问题。不幸的是,即使对于可以通过标准动态编程技术解决的简单控制问题,策略梯度算法也会面临非凸优化问题,并且被广泛理解为仅收敛到固定点。这项工作确定了结构属性 - 通过几个经典控制问题共享 - 确保策略梯度目标函数尽管是非凸面,但没有次优的固定点。当这些条件得到加强时,该目标满足了产生收敛速率的Polyak-lojasiewicz(梯度优势)条件。当其中一些条件放松时,我们还可以在任何固定点的最佳差距上提供界限。
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Mean-field games have been used as a theoretical tool to obtain an approximate Nash equilibrium for symmetric and anonymous $N$-player games in literature. However, limiting applicability, existing theoretical results assume variations of a "population generative model", which allows arbitrary modifications of the population distribution by the learning algorithm. Instead, we show that $N$ agents running policy mirror ascent converge to the Nash equilibrium of the regularized game within $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ samples from a single sample trajectory without a population generative model, up to a standard $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}})$ error due to the mean field. Taking a divergent approach from literature, instead of working with the best-response map we first show that a policy mirror ascent map can be used to construct a contractive operator having the Nash equilibrium as its fixed point. Next, we prove that conditional TD-learning in $N$-agent games can learn value functions within $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ time steps. These results allow proving sample complexity guarantees in the oracle-free setting by only relying on a sample path from the $N$ agent simulator. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our methodology allows for independent learning by $N$ agents with finite sample guarantees.
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随机近似算法是一种广泛使用的概率方法,用于查找矢量值构造的零,仅当函数的嘈杂测量值可用时。在迄今为止的文献中,可以区分“同步”更新,从而每次更新当前猜测的每个组件,以及'“同步”更新,从而更新一个组件。原则上,也可以在每次瞬间更新一些但不是全部的$ \ theta_t $的组件,这些组件可能被称为“批处理异步随机近似”(BASA)。另外,还可以在使用“本地”时钟与“全局”时钟之间有所区别。在本文中,我们提出了一种统一的配方异步随机近似(BASA)算法,并开发了一种通用方法,以证明这种算法会融合,而与使用是否使用了全球或本地时钟。这些融合证明利用了比现有结果较弱的假设。例如:当使用本地时钟时,现有的收敛证明要求测量噪声是I.I.D序列。在这里,假定测量误差形成了martingale差异序列。同样,迄今为止的所有结果都假设随机步骤大小满足了罗宾斯 - 单月条件的概率类似物。我们通过基础马尔可夫流程的不可约性的纯粹确定性条件代替了这一点。作为加固学习的特定应用,我们介绍了时间差算法$ td(0)$的``批次''版本,以进行价值迭代,以及$ q $ - 学习算法,以查找最佳操作值函数,还允许使用本地时钟而不是全局时钟。在所有情况下,我们在温和的条件下都比现有文献建立了这些算法的融合。
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强化学习算法的实用性由于相对于问题大小的规模差而受到限制,因为学习$ \ epsilon $ -optimal策略的样本复杂性为$ \ tilde {\ omega} \ left(| s | s || a || a || a || a | h^3 / \ eps^2 \ right)$在MDP的最坏情况下,带有状态空间$ S $,ACTION SPACE $ A $和HORIZON $ H $。我们考虑一类显示出低级结构的MDP,其中潜在特征未知。我们认为,价值迭代和低级别矩阵估计的自然组合导致估计误差在地平线上呈指数增长。然后,我们提供了一种新算法以及统计保证,即有效利用了对生成模型的访问,实现了$ \ tilde {o} \ left的样本复杂度(d^5(d^5(| s |+| a |)\),我们有效利用低级结构。对于等级$ d $设置的Mathrm {Poly}(h)/\ EPS^2 \ right)$,相对于$ | s |,| a | $和$ \ eps $的缩放,这是最小值的最佳。与线性和低级别MDP的文献相反,我们不需要已知的功能映射,我们的算法在计算上很简单,并且我们的结果长期存在。我们的结果提供了有关MDP对过渡内核与最佳动作值函数所需的最小低级结构假设的见解。
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增强学习算法通常需要马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)中的状态和行动空间的有限度,并且在文献中已经对连续状态和动作空间的这种算法的适用性进行了各种努力。在本文中,我们表明,在非常温和的规律条件下(特别是仅涉及MDP的转换内核的弱连续性),通过量化状态和动作会聚到限制,Q-Learning用于标准BOREL MDP,而且此外限制满足最优性方程,其导致与明确的性能界限接近最优性,或者保证渐近最佳。我们的方法在(i)上建立了(i)将量化视为测量内核,因此将量化的MDP作为POMDP,(ii)利用Q-Learning的Q-Learning的近的最优性和收敛结果,并最终是有限状态的近最优态模型近似用于MDP的弱连续内核,我们展示对应于构造POMDP的固定点。因此,我们的论文提出了一种非常一般的收敛性和近似值,了解Q-Learning用于连续MDP的适用性。
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Epsilon-Greedy,SoftMax或Gaussian噪声等近视探索政策在某些强化学习任务中无法有效探索,但是在许多其他方面,它们的表现都很好。实际上,实际上,由于简单性,它们通常被选为最佳选择。但是,对于哪些任务执行此类政策成功?我们可以为他们的有利表现提供理论保证吗?尽管这些政策具有显着的实际重要性,但这些关键问题几乎没有得到研究。本文介绍了对此类政策的理论分析,并为通过近视探索提供了对增强学习的首次遗憾和样本复杂性。我们的结果适用于具有有限的Bellman Eluder维度的情节MDP中的基于价值功能的算法。我们提出了一种新的复杂度度量,称为近视探索差距,用Alpha表示,该差距捕获了MDP的结构属性,勘探策略和给定的值函数类别。我们表明,近视探索的样品复杂性与该数量的倒数1 / alpha^2二次地量表。我们通过具体的例子进一步证明,由于相应的动态和奖励结构,在近视探索成功的几项任务中,近视探索差距确实是有利的。
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Q-learning and SARSA(0) with $\epsilon$-greedy exploration are leading reinforcement learning methods, and their tabular forms converge to the optimal Q-function under reasonable conditions. However, with function approximation, these methods exhibit strange behaviors, e.g., policy oscillation and chattering, convergence to different attractors (possibly even the worst policy) on different runs, etc., apart from the usual instability. Accordingly, a theory to explain these phenomena has been a long-standing open problem, even for basic linear function approximation (Sutton, 1999). Our work uses differential inclusion theory to provide the first framework for resolving this problem. We further illustrate via numerical examples how this framework helps explain these algorithms' asymptotic behaviors.
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