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对比语言 - 图像预训练(剪辑)在开放词汇零拍摄图像识别方面取得了显着突破。许多最近的研究利用预先训练的剪辑模型进行图像级分类和操纵。在本文中,我们进一步探索了剪辑的电位,用于像素级致密预测,具体地在语义分割中。在没有注释和微调的情况下,我们的方法Denseclip会产生合理的分段结果,在各种数据集中的开放概念上产生了合理的分段结果。通过添加伪标签和自我培训,Denseclip +超越了SOTA转换零点语义分割方法,通过大幅边缘,例如,Pascal VOC / Pascal Context / Coco Sift的宣传课程从35.6 / 20.7 / 30.3到86.1 / 66.7 / 54.7。我们还在输入损坏下测试了Denseclip的稳健性,并评估其在识别细粒度物体和新颖概念中的能力。我们的发现表明,Denseclip可以作为致密预测任务的新可靠的监督源,以实现无批准的分割。
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We tackle open-world semantic segmentation, which aims at learning to segment arbitrary visual concepts in images, by using only image-text pairs without dense annotations. Existing open-world segmentation methods have shown impressive advances by employing contrastive learning (CL) to learn diverse visual concepts and adapting the learned image-level understanding to the segmentation task. However, these methods based on CL have a discrepancy since it only considers image-text level alignment in training time, while the segmentation task requires region-text level alignment at test time. In this paper, we propose a novel Text-grounded Contrastive Learning (TCL) framework to directly align a text and a region described by the text to address the train-test discrepancy. Our method generates a segmentation mask associated with a given text, extracts grounded image embedding from the masked region, and aligns it with text embedding via TCL. The framework addresses the discrepancy by letting the model learn region-text level alignment instead of image-text level alignment and encourages the model to directly improve the quality of generated segmentation masks. In addition, for a rigorous and fair comparison, we present a unified evaluation protocol with widely used 8 semantic segmentation datasets. TCL achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot segmentation performance with large margins in all datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/kakaobrain/tcl.
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零拍语义分割(ZS3)旨在分割培训中没有看到的新型类别。现有的作品将zs3作为像素级零拍分类问题,以及在仅使用文本预先培训的语言模型的帮助下,将语义知识从看见课程转移到未知一体。虽然简单,像素级ZS3配方显示了集成具有图像文本对预训练的视觉语言模型的有限能力,并且目前展示了愿景任务的巨大潜力。灵感来自观察,人类经常执行段级语义标签,我们建议将zs3分成两个子任务:1)将像素分组到段中的类别不可知的分组任务。 2)段的零拍分类任务。前者的子任务不涉及类别信息,可以直接传输到未安装类的组像素。后一子任务在段级执行,提供了一种自然的方式,可以利用预先培训的大规模视觉模型,用于ZS3的图像文本对(例如剪辑)。基于解耦制剂,我们提出了一种简单且有效的零拍语义分割模型,称为ZegFormer,这优于大幅边缘的先前方法,例如,Pascal VOC的35分和3分在Coco-在宫颈课程方面的东西。代码将在https://github.com/dingjiansw101/zegformer发布。
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We introduce Patch Aligned Contrastive Learning (PACL), a modified compatibility function for CLIP's contrastive loss, intending to train an alignment between the patch tokens of the vision encoder and the CLS token of the text encoder. With such an alignment, a model can identify regions of an image corresponding to a given text input, and therefore transfer seamlessly to the task of open vocabulary semantic segmentation without requiring any segmentation annotations during training. Using pre-trained CLIP encoders with PACL, we are able to set the state-of-the-art on the task of open vocabulary zero-shot segmentation on 4 different segmentation benchmarks: Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, COCO Stuff and ADE20K. Furthermore, we show that PACL is also applicable to image-level predictions and when used with a CLIP backbone, provides a general improvement in zero-shot classification accuracy compared to CLIP, across a suite of 12 image classification datasets.
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最近,Vision-Language预训练的零拍图像分类已经表现出令人难以置信的成就,即该模型可以对任意类别进行分类而不看到该类别的其他注释图像。然而,目前尚不清楚如何在更广泛的视觉问题上进行零射识别,例如对象检测和语义分割。在本文中,我们通过在现成的预训练的视觉模型,即剪辑上建立零拍语义分割来定位零拍语义分割。很难因为语义分割和剪辑模型在不同的视觉粒度上执行,该语义分段处理在像素上时,而剪辑在图像上执行。为了解决处理粒度的差异,我们拒绝使用普遍的一级FCN基于FCN的框架,并倡导一个两级语义分割框架,其中第一阶段提取一个完全提取的掩模提案和第二阶段利用基于图像的剪辑模型在第一阶段生成的蒙版图像作物上执行零拍分类。我们的实验结果表明,这种简单的框架通过大型利润率超越了先前的最先进:+29.5 Hiou On Pascal VOC 2012 DataSet,+8.9 Hiou On Coco Stuff DataSet。凭借其简单性和强大的表现,我们希望本框架成为促进未来研究的基准。
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分组和识别是视觉场景理解的重要组成部分,例如,用于对象检测和语义分割。借助端到端的深度学习系统,图像区域的分组通常通过像素级识别标签的自上而下的监督隐式进行。取而代之的是,在本文中,我们建议将分组机制恢复到深层网络中,从而使语义片段仅在文本监督下自动出现。我们提出了一个分层分组视觉变压器(GroupVit),它超出了常规的网格结构表示,并学会了将图像区域分组为逐渐更大的任意形状段。我们通过对比度损失在大规模图像文本数据集上与文本编码器共同训练小组vit。只有文本监督并且没有任何像素级注释,GroupVit就学会了将语义区域分组在一起,并以零拍的方式成功地将语义分割的任务转移到语义分割的任务,即,而没有任何进一步的微调。它在Pascal VOC 2012上获得了52.3%MIOU的零拍摄精度和Pascal上下文数据集中的22.4%MIOU,并竞争性地表现为需要更高水平监督的最先进的转移学习方法。我们在https://github.com/nvlabs/groupvit上开放代码。
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In this work, we focus on instance-level open vocabulary segmentation, intending to expand a segmenter for instance-wise novel categories without mask annotations. We investigate a simple yet effective framework with the help of image captions, focusing on exploiting thousands of object nouns in captions to discover instances of novel classes. Rather than adopting pretrained caption models or using massive caption datasets with complex pipelines, we propose an end-to-end solution from two aspects: caption grounding and caption generation. In particular, we devise a joint Caption Grounding and Generation (CGG) framework based on a Mask Transformer baseline. The framework has a novel grounding loss that performs explicit and implicit multi-modal feature alignments. We further design a lightweight caption generation head to allow for additional caption supervision. We find that grounding and generation complement each other, significantly enhancing the segmentation performance for novel categories. We conduct extensive experiments on the COCO dataset with two settings: Open Vocabulary Instance Segmentation (OVIS) and Open Set Panoptic Segmentation (OSPS). The results demonstrate the superiority of our CGG framework over previous OVIS methods, achieving a large improvement of 6.8% mAP on novel classes without extra caption data. Our method also achieves over 15% PQ improvements for novel classes on the OSPS benchmark under various settings.
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我们呈现LSEG,这是一种用于语言驱动语义图像分割的新模型。 LSEG使用文本编码器来计算描述性输入标签(例如,“草”或“构建”)的嵌入式,以及基于变压器的图像编码器,该图像编码器计算输入图像的密度每个像素嵌入。图像编码器具有对比度目标,以将像素嵌入对准对应语义类的文本嵌入。文本嵌入式提供了一种灵活的标签表示,其中将语义相似的标签映射到嵌入空间中的类似区域(例如,“猫”和“毛茸茸”)。这允许LSEG概括到以前在测试时间的预先看不见的类别,而不会再培训或甚至需要单一的额外训练样本。我们展示了与现有的零点和少量拍摄语义分割方法相比,我们的方法实现了高竞争激烈的零射性能,甚至在提供固定标签集时符合传统分段算法的准确性。代码和演示可在https://github.com/isl-org/lang-seg获取。
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Existing object detection methods are bounded in a fixed-set vocabulary by costly labeled data. When dealing with novel categories, the model has to be retrained with more bounding box annotations. Natural language supervision is an attractive alternative for its annotation-free attributes and broader object concepts. However, learning open-vocabulary object detection from language is challenging since image-text pairs do not contain fine-grained object-language alignments. Previous solutions rely on either expensive grounding annotations or distilling classification-oriented vision models. In this paper, we propose a novel open-vocabulary object detection framework directly learning from image-text pair data. We formulate object-language alignment as a set matching problem between a set of image region features and a set of word embeddings. It enables us to train an open-vocabulary object detector on image-text pairs in a much simple and effective way. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, COCO and LVIS, demonstrate our superior performance over the competing approaches on novel categories, e.g. achieving 32.0% mAP on COCO and 21.7% mask mAP on LVIS. Code is available at: https://github.com/clin1223/VLDet.
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尽管对象检测方面取得了很大进展,但由于实例级边界盒注释所需的巨大人性化,大多数现有方法都仅限于一小一少量的对象类别。为了减轻问题,最近的开放词汇和零射击检测方法试图检测培训期间未见的对象类别。但是,这些方法仍然依赖于一组基类上手动提供的边界盒注释。我们提出了一个开放的词汇检测框架,可以在没有手动提供边界盒注释的情况下培训。我们的方法通过利用预先训练的视觉语言模型的本地化能力来实现这一目标,并产生可直接用于训练对象探测器的伪边界盒标签。 Coco,Pascal VOC,Objects365和LVIS的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。具体而言,我们的方法优于使用人类注释的边界箱训练的最先进(SOTA),即使我们的培训源未配备手动边界盒标签,也可以在COCO新型类别上用3%AP培训。在利用手动边界箱标签作为基线时,我们的方法主要超过8%的AP。
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We present X-Decoder, a generalized decoding model that can predict pixel-level segmentation and language tokens seamlessly. X-Decodert takes as input two types of queries: (i) generic non-semantic queries and (ii) semantic queries induced from text inputs, to decode different pixel-level and token-level outputs in the same semantic space. With such a novel design, X-Decoder is the first work that provides a unified way to support all types of image segmentation and a variety of vision-language (VL) tasks. Further, our design enables seamless interactions across tasks at different granularities and brings mutual benefits by learning a common and rich pixel-level visual-semantic understanding space, without any pseudo-labeling. After pretraining on a mixed set of a limited amount of segmentation data and millions of image-text pairs, X-Decoder exhibits strong transferability to a wide range of downstream tasks in both zero-shot and finetuning settings. Notably, it achieves (1) state-of-the-art results on open-vocabulary segmentation and referring segmentation on eight datasets; (2) better or competitive finetuned performance to other generalist and specialist models on segmentation and VL tasks; and (3) flexibility for efficient finetuning and novel task composition (e.g., referring captioning and image editing). Code, demo, video, and visualization are available at https://x-decoder-vl.github.io.
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Recently, CLIP has been applied to pixel-level zero-shot learning tasks via a two-stage scheme. The general idea is to first generate class-agnostic region proposals and then feed the cropped proposal regions to CLIP to utilize its image-level zero-shot classification capability. While effective, such a scheme requires two image encoders, one for proposal generation and one for CLIP, leading to a complicated pipeline and high computational cost. In this work, we pursue a simpler-and-efficient one-stage solution that directly extends CLIP's zero-shot prediction capability from image to pixel level. Our investigation starts with a straightforward extension as our baseline that generates semantic masks by comparing the similarity between text and patch embeddings extracted from CLIP. However, such a paradigm could heavily overfit the seen classes and fail to generalize to unseen classes. To handle this issue, we propose three simple-but-effective designs and figure out that they can significantly retain the inherent zero-shot capacity of CLIP and improve pixel-level generalization ability. Incorporating those modifications leads to an efficient zero-shot semantic segmentation system called ZegCLIP. Through extensive experiments on three public benchmarks, ZegCLIP demonstrates superior performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin under both "inductive" and "transductive" zero-shot settings. In addition, compared with the two-stage method, our one-stage ZegCLIP achieves a speedup of about 5 times faster during inference. We release the code at https://github.com/ZiqinZhou66/ZegCLIP.git.
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我们提出了Clip-Lite,一种通过与文本注释的特征对齐方式进行视觉表示学习的信息有效方法。与先前提出的剪辑模型相比,剪辑液在优化其对比学学习目标期间只需要一个负图像文本样本对。我们通过利用信息有效的较低限制来实现这一点,以最大化两个输入模态之间的相互信息。这允许剪辑Lite培训,在获得比夹子的更好的性能的同时具有显着减少的数据和批量尺寸。我们通过在Coco-Tablions数据集上预先绘制来评估剪贴画并对其他数据集进行测试传输。 Clip-Lite在Pascal VOC分类上获得+ 15.4%的映射绝对增益,并在ImageNet上获得A + 22.1%的前1个精度增益,同时与其他更复杂,文本监督模型相当或优越。 Clip-Lite还优于剪辑图像和文本检索,零拍分类和视觉接地。最后,通过在表示学习期间执行显式图像文本对齐,我们显示Clip-Lite可以利用语言语义来鼓励可以在下游任务中使用的无偏见的视觉表示。
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使用图像文本对的对比语言图像预测(剪辑)在零拍摄和传输学习设置中的图像分类中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,我们表明,直接应用此类模型以识别对象检测的图像区域导致由于域移位导致的性能差:剪辑训练以与文本描述的整体匹配,而不捕获图像之间的细粒度对齐地区和文本跨度。为了缓解此问题,我们提出了一种称为RegionClip的新方法,可显着扩展剪辑以学习区域级视觉表示,从而在图像区域和文本概念之间实现细粒度对齐。我们的方法利用剪辑模型将图像区域与模板标题匹配,然后预先列出我们的模型以对准要素空间中的这些区域文本对。将预磨料模型转移到开放词汇对象检测任务时,我们的方法显着优于3.8 AP50和2.2 AP的最新技术,分别用于COCO和LVIS数据集的新型类别。更多,学习区域表示支持对象检测的零拍摄推断,显示了对COCO和LVIS数据集的有希望的结果。我们的代码可在https://github.com/microsoft/regionclip上获得。
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我们设计了一个开放式图像分割模型,以将图像组织到任意文本指示的有意义区域中。最近的作品(剪辑和对齐),尽管使用图像级字幕标签获得了令人印象深刻的开放式摄氏分类精度,但仍无法用像素分段视觉概念。我们认为这些模型错过了视觉分组的重要步骤,该模型在学习视觉语义对齐之前将像素组织成小组。我们建议OpenSeg解决上述问题,同时仍利用可扩展的图像级标题监督。首先,它学会了为可能的组织提出细分面具。然后,它通过将标题中的每个单词与一个或几个预测的面具对齐来学习视觉语义对齐。我们发现蒙版表示是支持字幕学习图像分割的关键,从而可以扩大数据集和词汇大小。 OpenSeg大大优于pascal数据集上LSEG最近的开放式LSEG +19.9 MIOU的开放式方法。
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