在线学习系统具有成绩单,书籍和问题形式的多个数据存储库。为了易于访问,此类系统会根据层次性质(主题 - 主题)的明确分类法组织内容。将输入分类为层次标签的任务通常被视为平坦的多类分类问题。这种方法忽略了输入中的术语与层次标签中的令牌之间的语义相关性。当它们仅将叶片节点视为标签时,替代方法也患有类不平衡。为了解决这些问题,我们将任务制定为一个密集的检索问题,以检索每个内容的适当层次标签。在本文中,我们处理问题。我们将层次标签建模为其令牌的组成,并使用有效的交叉注意机制将信息与内容术语表示融合。我们还提出了一种自适应内部的硬采样方法,随着培训的进行,该方法可以更好地取消负面影响。我们证明了所提出的方法\ textit {tagrec ++}在问题数据集上的现有最新方法均超过了receal@k所测量的现有最新方法。此外,我们演示了\ textit {tagrec ++}的零射击功能以及适应标签更改的能力。
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Automatic topic classification has been studied extensively to assist managing and indexing scientific documents in a digital collection. With the large number of topics being available in recent years, it has become necessary to arrange them in a hierarchy. Therefore, the automatic classification systems need to be able to classify the documents hierarchically. In addition, each paper is often assigned to more than one relevant topic. For example, a paper can be assigned to several topics in a hierarchy tree. In this paper, we introduce a new dataset for hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMLTC) of scientific papers called SciHTC, which contains 186,160 papers and 1,233 categories from the ACM CCS tree. We establish strong baselines for HMLTC and propose a multi-task learning approach for topic classification with keyword labeling as an auxiliary task. Our best model achieves a Macro-F1 score of 34.57% which shows that this dataset provides significant research opportunities on hierarchical scientific topic classification. We make our dataset and code available on Github.
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Current state-of-the-art approaches to text classification typically leverage BERT-style Transformer models with a softmax classifier, jointly fine-tuned to predict class labels of a target task. In this paper, we instead propose an alternative training objective in which we learn task-specific embeddings of text: our proposed objective learns embeddings such that all texts that share the same target class label should be close together in the embedding space, while all others should be far apart. This allows us to replace the softmax classifier with a more interpretable k-nearest-neighbor classification approach. In a series of experiments, we show that this yields a number of interesting benefits: (1) The resulting order induced by distances in the embedding space can be used to directly explain classification decisions. (2) This facilitates qualitative inspection of the training data, helping us to better understand the problem space and identify labelling quality issues. (3) The learned distances to some degree generalize to unseen classes, allowing us to incrementally add new classes without retraining the model. We present extensive experiments which show that the benefits of ante-hoc explainability and incremental learning come at no cost in overall classification accuracy, thus pointing to practical applicability of our proposed approach.
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Deep Learning and Machine Learning based models have become extremely popular in text processing and information retrieval. However, the non-linear structures present inside the networks make these models largely inscrutable. A significant body of research has focused on increasing the transparency of these models. This article provides a broad overview of research on the explainability and interpretability of natural language processing and information retrieval methods. More specifically, we survey approaches that have been applied to explain word embeddings, sequence modeling, attention modules, transformers, BERT, and document ranking. The concluding section suggests some possible directions for future research on this topic.
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Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are widely used in digital learning systems, as they allow for automating the assessment process. However, due to the increased digital literacy of students and the advent of social media platforms, MCQ tests are widely shared online, and teachers are continuously challenged to create new questions, which is an expensive and time-consuming task. A particularly sensitive aspect of MCQ creation is to devise relevant distractors, i.e., wrong answers that are not easily identifiable as being wrong. This paper studies how a large existing set of manually created answers and distractors for questions over a variety of domains, subjects, and languages can be leveraged to help teachers in creating new MCQs, by the smart reuse of existing distractors. We built several data-driven models based on context-aware question and distractor representations, and compared them with static feature-based models. The proposed models are evaluated with automated metrics and in a realistic user test with teachers. Both automatic and human evaluations indicate that context-aware models consistently outperform a static feature-based approach. For our best-performing context-aware model, on average 3 distractors out of the 10 shown to teachers were rated as high-quality distractors. We create a performance benchmark, and make it public, to enable comparison between different approaches and to introduce a more standardized evaluation of the task. The benchmark contains a test of 298 educational questions covering multiple subjects & languages and a 77k multilingual pool of distractor vocabulary for future research.
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在这项工作中,我们提出了一个系统的实证研究,专注于最先进的多语言编码器在跨越多种不同语言对的交叉语言文档和句子检索任务的适用性。我们首先将这些模型视为多语言文本编码器,并在无监督的ad-hoc句子和文档级CLIR中基准性能。与监督语言理解相比,我们的结果表明,对于无监督的文档级CLIR - 一个没有针对IR特定的微调 - 预训练的多语言编码器的相关性判断,平均未能基于CLWE显着优于早期模型。对于句子级检索,我们确实获得了最先进的性能:然而,通过多语言编码器来满足高峰分数,这些编码器已经进一步专注于监督的时尚,以便句子理解任务,而不是使用他们的香草'现货'变体。在这些结果之后,我们介绍了文档级CLIR的本地化相关性匹配,在那里我们独立地对文件部分进行了查询。在第二部分中,我们评估了在一系列零拍语言和域转移CLIR实验中的英语相关数据中进行微调的微调编码器精细调整的微调我们的结果表明,监督重新排名很少提高多语言变压器作为无监督的基数。最后,只有在域名对比度微调(即,同一域名,只有语言转移),我们设法提高排名质量。我们在目标语言中单次检索的交叉定向检索结果和结果(零拍摄)交叉传输之间的显着实证差异,这指出了在单机数据上训练的检索模型的“单声道过度装备”。
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多标签文本分类是指从标签集中分配其最相关标签的问题。通常,在现实世界应用中提供给定文件的元数据和标签的层次结构。然而,大多数现有的研究专注于仅建模文本信息,几次尝试利用元数据或层次结构,而不是它们都是。在本文中,我们通过在大型标签层次结构中正式化Metadata感知文本分类问题来弥合差距(例如,数万个标签)。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了匹配解决方案 - 一个端到端的框架,它利用元数据和层次结构。为了合并元数据,我们预先培训了同一空间中的文本和元数据的嵌入,并且还利用完全连接的关注来捕获它们之间的相互关系。要利用标签层次结构,我们提出了不同的方法来规范其父母每个子标签的参数和输出概率。在具有大规模标签层次结构的两个大规模文本数据集上的广泛实验证明了匹配最先进的深度学习基线的有效性。
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The relationship between words in a sentence often tells us more about the underlying semantic content of a document than its actual words, individually. In this work, we propose two novel algorithms, called Flexible Lexical Chain II and Fixed Lexical Chain II. These algorithms combine the semantic relations derived from lexical chains, prior knowledge from lexical databases, and the robustness of the distributional hypothesis in word embeddings as building blocks forming a single system. In short, our approach has three main contributions: (i) a set of techniques that fully integrate word embeddings and lexical chains; (ii) a more robust semantic representation that considers the latent relation between words in a document; and (iii) lightweight word embeddings models that can be extended to any natural language task. We intend to assess the knowledge of pre-trained models to evaluate their robustness in the document classification task. The proposed techniques are tested against seven word embeddings algorithms using five different machine learning classifiers over six scenarios in the document classification task. Our results show the integration between lexical chains and word embeddings representations sustain state-of-the-art results, even against more complex systems.
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学术研究是解决以前从未解决过的问题的探索活动。通过这种性质,每个学术研究工作都需要进行文献审查,以区分其Novelties尚未通过事先作品解决。在自然语言处理中,该文献综述通常在“相关工作”部分下进行。鉴于研究文件的其余部分和引用的论文列表,自动相关工作生成的任务旨在自动生成“相关工作”部分。虽然这项任务是在10年前提出的,但直到最近,它被认为是作为科学多文件摘要问题的变种。然而,即使在今天,尚未标准化了自动相关工作和引用文本生成的问题。在这项调查中,我们进行了一个元研究,从问题制定,数据集收集,方法方法,绩效评估和未来前景的角度来比较相关工作的现有文献,以便为读者洞察到国家的进步 - 最内容的研究,以及如何进行未来的研究。我们还调查了我们建议未来工作要考虑整合的相关研究领域。
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我们提出了一种具有有限目标语言数据的交叉语言内容标记的新颖框架,这在预测性能方面显着优于现有的工作。该框架基于最近的邻居架构。它是Vanilla K-最近邻模型的现代实例化,因为我们在所有组件中使用变压器表示。我们的框架可以适应新的源语言实例,而无需从头开始侦察。与基于邻域的方法的事先工作不同,我们基于查询邻的交互对邻居信息进行编码。我们提出了两个编码方案,并使用定性和定量分析显示其有效性。我们的评估结果是来自两个不同数据集的八种语言,用于滥用语言检测,在强大的基线上,可以在F1中显示最多9.5(对于意大利语)的大量改进。平均水平,我们在拼图式多语言数据集中的三种语言中实现了3.6的F1改进,2.14在WUL数据集的F1中的改进。
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Using a single model across various tasks is beneficial for training and applying deep neural sequence models. We address the problem of developing generalist representations of text that can be used to perform a range of different tasks rather than being specialised to a single application. We focus on processing short questions and developing an embedding for these questions that is useful on a diverse set of problems, such as question topic classification, equivalent question recognition, and question answering. This paper introduces QBERT, a generalist model for processing questions. With QBERT, we demonstrate how we can train a multi-task network that performs all question-related tasks and has achieved similar performance compared to its corresponding single-task models.
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当前的文本分类方法通常仅在幼稚或复杂的分类器之前将文本编码为嵌入,该分类器忽略了标签文本中包含的建议信息。实际上,人类主要基于子类别的语义含义对文档进行分类。我们通过暹罗伯特(Siamese Bert)和名为Ideas(交互式双重注意力)的交互式双重注意提出了一种新颖的模型结构,以捕获文本和标签名称的信息交换。交互式双重注意力使该模型能够从粗糙到细小的类中开利的类和类内部信息,这涉及区分所有标签并匹配地面真实标签的语义子类。我们提出的方法的表现优于最新方法,使用标签文本显着,结果更稳定。
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变量名称对于传达预期的程序行为至关重要。基于机器学习的程序分析方法使用变量名称表示广泛的任务,例如建议新的变量名称和错误检测。理想情况下,这些方法可以捕获句法相似性的名称之间的语义关系,例如,名称平均和均值的事实是相似的。不幸的是,以前的工作发现,即使是先前的最佳的表示方法主要是捕获相关性(是否有两个变量始终链接),而不是相似性(是否具有相同的含义)。我们提出了VarCLR,一种用于学习变量名称的语义表示的新方法,这些方法有效地捕获了这种更严格的意义上的可变相似性。我们观察到这个问题是对比学习的优秀契合,旨在最小化明确类似的输入之间的距离,同时最大化不同输入之间的距离。这需要标记的培训数据,因此我们构建了一种新颖的弱监督的变量重命名数据集,从GitHub编辑开采。我们表明VarCLR能够有效地应用BERT等复杂的通用语言模型,以变为变量名称表示,因此也是与变量名称相似性搜索或拼写校正等相关的下游任务。 varclr产生模型,显着越优于idbench的最先进的现有基准,明确地捕获可变相似度(与相关性不同)。最后,我们贡献了所有数据,代码和预先训练模型的版本,旨在为现有或未来程序分析中使用的可变表示提供的可变表示的替代品。
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大型语言模型在各种任务上显示出令人印象深刻的几次结果。但是,当知识是此类结果的关键时,就像问题回答和事实检查之类的任务一样,似乎需要存储知识的大量参数计数。众所周知,检索增强模型可以在不需要多个参数的情况下在知识密集的任务上表现出色,但是目前尚不清楚它们是否在几个弹药设置中工作。在这项工作中,我们介绍了地图集,这是一个经过精心设计和预先训练的增强语言模型,能够通过很少的培训示例学习知识密集型任务。我们对包括MMLU,苏格兰短裙和归类等各种任务进行评估,并研究文档索引内容的影响,表明它可以很容易地进行更新。值得注意的是,在自然问题上仅使用64个示例在自然问题上达到超过42 \%的准确性,尽管参数少了50倍,但比540B参数模型的表现优于540b参数模型。
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Large-scale pre-training methods of learning cross-modal representations on image-text pairs are becoming popular for vision-language tasks. While existing methods simply concatenate image region features and text features as input to the model to be pre-trained and use selfattention to learn image-text semantic alignments in a brute force manner, in this paper, we propose a new learning method Oscar 1 , which uses object tags detected in images as anchor points to significantly ease the learning of alignments. Our method is motivated by the observation that the salient objects in an image can be accurately detected, and are often mentioned in the paired text. We pre-train an Oscar model on the public corpus of 6.5 million text-image pairs, and fine-tune it on downstream tasks, creating new state-of-the-arts on six well-established vision-language understanding and generation tasks. 2
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