This paper presents our solutions for the MediaEval 2022 task on DisasterMM. The task is composed of two subtasks, namely (i) Relevance Classification of Twitter Posts (RCTP), and (ii) Location Extraction from Twitter Texts (LETT). The RCTP subtask aims at differentiating flood-related and non-relevant social posts while LETT is a Named Entity Recognition (NER) task and aims at the extraction of location information from the text. For RCTP, we proposed four different solutions based on BERT, RoBERTa, Distil BERT, and ALBERT obtaining an F1-score of 0.7934, 0.7970, 0.7613, and 0.7924, respectively. For LETT, we used three models namely BERT, RoBERTa, and Distil BERTA obtaining an F1-score of 0.6256, 0.6744, and 0.6723, respectively.
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In recent years, social media has been widely explored as a potential source of communication and information in disasters and emergency situations. Several interesting works and case studies of disaster analytics exploring different aspects of natural disasters have been already conducted. Along with the great potential, disaster analytics comes with several challenges mainly due to the nature of social media content. In this paper, we explore one such challenge and propose a text classification framework to deal with Twitter noisy data. More specifically, we employed several transformers both individually and in combination, so as to differentiate between relevant and non-relevant Twitter posts, achieving the highest F1-score of 0.87.
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Migraine is a high-prevalence and disabling neurological disorder. However, information migraine management in real-world settings could be limited to traditional health information sources. In this paper, we (i) verify that there is substantial migraine-related chatter available on social media (Twitter and Reddit), self-reported by migraine sufferers; (ii) develop a platform-independent text classification system for automatically detecting self-reported migraine-related posts, and (iii) conduct analyses of the self-reported posts to assess the utility of social media for studying this problem. We manually annotated 5750 Twitter posts and 302 Reddit posts. Our system achieved an F1 score of 0.90 on Twitter and 0.93 on Reddit. Analysis of information posted by our 'migraine cohort' revealed the presence of a plethora of relevant information about migraine therapies and patient sentiments associated with them. Our study forms the foundation for conducting an in-depth analysis of migraine-related information using social media data.
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Following the outbreak of a global pandemic, online content is filled with hate speech. Donald Trump's ''Chinese Virus'' tweet shifted the blame for the spread of the Covid-19 virus to China and the Chinese people, which triggered a new round of anti-China hate both online and offline. This research intends to examine China-related hate speech on Twitter during the two years following the burst of the pandemic (2020 and 2021). Through Twitter's API, in total 2,172,333 tweets hashtagged #china posted during the time were collected. By employing multiple state-of-the-art pretrained language models for hate speech detection, we identify a wide range of hate of various types, resulting in an automatically labeled anti-China hate speech dataset. We identify a hateful rate in #china tweets of 2.5% in 2020 and 1.9% in 2021. This is well above the average rate of online hate speech on Twitter at 0.6% identified in Gao et al., 2017. We further analyzed the longitudinal development of #china tweets and those identified as hateful in 2020 and 2021 through visualizing the daily number and hate rate over the two years. Our keyword analysis of hate speech in #china tweets reveals the most frequently mentioned terms in the hateful #china tweets, which can be used for further social science studies.
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Automated offensive language detection is essential in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. This paper describes our work on Offensive Language Identification in low resource Indic language Marathi. The problem is formulated as a text classification task to identify a tweet as offensive or non-offensive. We evaluate different mono-lingual and multi-lingual BERT models on this classification task, focusing on BERT models pre-trained with social media datasets. We compare the performance of MuRIL, MahaTweetBERT, MahaTweetBERT-Hateful, and MahaBERT on the HASOC 2022 test set. We also explore external data augmentation from other existing Marathi hate speech corpus HASOC 2021 and L3Cube-MahaHate. The MahaTweetBERT, a BERT model, pre-trained on Marathi tweets when fine-tuned on the combined dataset (HASOC 2021 + HASOC 2022 + MahaHate), outperforms all models with an F1 score of 98.43 on the HASOC 2022 test set. With this, we also provide a new state-of-the-art result on HASOC 2022 / MOLD v2 test set.
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社交网络数据评估的自动化是自然语言处理的经典挑战之一。在共同199年的大流行期间,关于了解健康命令的态度,公共信息中的采矿人们的立场变得至关重要。在本文中,作者提出了基于变压器体系结构的预测模型,以对Twitter文本中的前提进行分类。这项工作是作为2022年社交媒体挖掘(SMM4H)研讨会的一部分完成的。我们探索了现代变压器的分类器,以便构建管道有效地捕获推文语义。我们在Twitter数据集上的实验表明,在前提预测任务的情况下,罗伯塔(Roberta)优于其他变压器模型。该模型在ROC AUC值0.807方面实现了竞争性能,而F1得分为0.7648。
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本文介绍了我们对SMM4H 2022共享任务的提交,内容涉及自我报告的亲密伴侣暴力在Twitter上(英语)。这项任务的目的是准确确定给定推文的内容是否证明了某人报告自己的亲密伴侣暴力经历。提交的系统是五个罗伯塔模型组成的合奏,每个模型各自在验证数据集上由各自的F1分数加权。该系统的性能比基线要好13%,并且是该共享任务的总体性能最佳系统。
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Detecting personal health mentions on social media is essential to complement existing health surveillance systems. However, annotating data for detecting health mentions at a large scale is a challenging task. This research employs a multitask learning framework to leverage available annotated data from a related task to improve the performance on the main task to detect personal health experiences mentioned in social media texts. Specifically, we focus on incorporating emotional information into our target task by using emotion detection as an auxiliary task. Our approach significantly improves a wide range of personal health mention detection tasks compared to a strong state-of-the-art baseline.
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The health mention classification (HMC) task is the process of identifying and classifying mentions of health-related concepts in text. This can be useful for identifying and tracking the spread of diseases through social media posts. However, this is a non-trivial task. Here we build on recent studies suggesting that using emotional information may improve upon this task. Our study results in a framework for health mention classification that incorporates affective features. We present two methods, an intermediate task fine-tuning approach (implicit) and a multi-feature fusion approach (explicit) to incorporate emotions into our target task of HMC. We evaluated our approach on 5 HMC-related datasets from different social media platforms including three from Twitter, one from Reddit and another from a combination of social media sources. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach results in statistically significant performance gains on HMC tasks. By using the multi-feature fusion approach, we achieve at least a 3% improvement in F1 score over BERT baselines across all datasets. We also show that considering only negative emotions does not significantly affect performance on the HMC task. Additionally, our results indicate that HMC models infused with emotional knowledge are an effective alternative, especially when other HMC datasets are unavailable for domain-specific fine-tuning. The source code for our models is freely available at
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对仇恨言论和冒犯性语言(HOF)的认可通常是作为一项分类任务,以决定文本是否包含HOF。我们研究HOF检测是否可以通过考虑HOF和类似概念之间的关系来获利:(a)HOF与情感分析有关,因为仇恨言论通常是负面陈述并表达了负面意见; (b)这与情绪分析有关,因为表达的仇恨指向作者经历(或假装体验)愤怒的同时经历(或旨在体验)恐惧。 (c)最后,HOF的一个构成要素是提及目标人或群体。在此基础上,我们假设HOF检测在与这些概念共同建模时,在多任务学习设置中进行了改进。我们将实验基于这些概念的现有数据集(情感,情感,HOF的目标),并在Hasoc Fire 2021英语子任务1A中评估我们的模型作为参与者(作为IMS-Sinai团队)。基于模型选择实验,我们考虑了多个可用的资源和共享任务的提交,我们发现人群情绪语料库,Semeval 2016年情感语料库和犯罪2019年目标检测数据的组合导致F1 =。 79在基于BERT的多任务多任务学习模型中,与Plain Bert的.7895相比。在HASOC 2019测试数据上,该结果更为巨大,而F1中的增加2pp和召回大幅增加。在两个数据集(2019,2021)中,HOF类的召回量尤其增加(2019年数据的6pp和2021数据的3pp),表明MTL具有情感,情感和目标识别是适合的方法可能部署在社交媒体平台中的预警系统。
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由于BERT出现,变压器语言模型和转移学习已成为自然语言理解任务的最先进。最近,一些作品适用于特定领域的预训练,专制模型,例如科学论文,医疗文件等。在这项工作中,我们呈现RoberTuito,用于西班牙语中的用户生成内容的预先训练的语言模型。我们在西班牙语中培训了罗伯特托5亿推文。关于涉及用户生成文本的4个任务的基准测试显示,罗伯特托多于西班牙语的其他预先接受的语言模型。为了帮助进一步研究,我们将罗伯特多公开可在HuggingFace Model Hub上提供。
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鉴于当前全球的社交距离限制,大多数人现在使用社交媒体作为其主要交流媒介。因此,数百万患有精神疾病的人被孤立了,他们无法亲自获得帮助。他们越来越依赖在线场地,以表达自己并寻求有关处理精神障碍的建议。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的说法,大约有4.5亿人受到影响。精神疾病(例如抑郁,焦虑等)非常普遍,并影响了个体的身体健康。最近提出了人工智能(AI)方法,以帮助基于患者的真实信息(例如,医疗记录,行为数据,社交媒体利用等),包括精神病医生和心理学家在内的心理健康提供者。 AI创新表明,在从计算机视觉到医疗保健的众多现实应用应用程序中,主要执行。这项研究分析了REDDIT平台上的非结构化用户数据,并分类了五种常见的精神疾病:抑郁,焦虑,双相情感障碍,ADHD和PTSD。我们培训了传统的机器学习,深度学习和转移学习多级模型,以检测个人的精神障碍。这项工作将通过自动化检测过程并告知适当当局需要紧急援助的人来使公共卫生系统受益。
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